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Why Buy A Prestige Car

 Why Buy A Prestige Car

When someone mentions a prestige car many automatically think of BMW

, Mercedes, Audi and Jaguar. These are the 4 most popular prestige brands; the brands just below them would be Honda, Toyota and Ford. Prestige cars tend to be more expensive than normal cars; customers pay this premium for extra luxury features such as full leather interior and cruise control.

Recently many of the mass production manufacturers have opted to include these extra luxury features in some of their models too, the Ford Fiesta is historically a small economical car but recently it has become available with equipment such as a Sony DAB radio and reversing cameras.

Due to the premium price of prestige cars in Yorkshire they are usually associated with those that have a high amount of disposable income. They have become a symbol of wealth, and a way to demonstrate your wealth. However, money doesnt always equate to good taste, there are many premium models out there with very basic equipment levels and look unattractive. These entry level models are the ideal route for someone to enter the premium car class; they still receive the excellent levels of customer service and mechanical reliability for slightly more money than a non premium brand.

Premium branded cars such as a Mercedes E Class, even with basic levels of kit are quite expensive, not just to buy but to maintain and repair too. That is the price you pay for extra luxury, superior reliability and exceptional customer service.

The novelty of a prestige car can ware out once they have reached a certain age and look tired yet they still sell for more money than their equivalent models. A 7 year old BMW 3 series will still cost the same as a 3 year old Mondeo even though the Mondeo will have more kit in it, the prestige badge on the 3 Series convinces buyers to opt for that instead.

by: Benson
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