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Technological Development Of Auto Repair

Technological Development Of Auto Repair

Technological innovation over the past 10 years has pr ofoundly affected the sector of auto repairs in the broad sense of the term


Technological innovation over the past 10 years has pr ofoundly affected the sector of auto repairs in the broad sense of the term.

In this period a revolution has occurred in the manufacturing techniques of both 4-wheeled (automobiles, buses etc.) and 2-wheeled vehicles (motorcycl es and mopeds).

The sector of motor vehicles ha s embodied and adopted (the evolution is still under way) the results of scientific research in a wide variety fields. Technological Development Of Auto Repair

To cite some examples, we can recall the studies and research applied to the so-called "new materials" (e.g. ceramics for engines) increasingly used in the automobile industry, research in the field vehicle aerodynamics derived directly from the most advanced avionics industry, and the increasing application of electronics to vehicles, both in the engine and the electrical part. In this specific field the change has been so radical that a new technological branch called "atonics" has been formed.

The change in the manufacturing concepts of cars a nd motorbikes has also been heavily influenced by research on new and more advanced types of environmental compatibility and by the evolution of the concept of safety of the vehicle itself.

In order to make these concepts clearer, we can cite the significant example of the catalyser systems for exhaust emission of vehicles and the equipment for checking the safety of the vehicle. In the sector of safety applied research has reach ed points of great sophisti cation and effectiveness; many of the experimental systems resulting from research (airbags, ABS, mechanisms to prevent the vehicle from tipping over, new ma terial and concepts for the vehicle tyres etc.) are now part of the series production of the vehicle.

Very briefly, vehicles are increasingly dominated by electronics in a large part of their functions; they are generally safer and more reliable, in line with needs to reduce pollution, and equipped with many comforts and refined extra accessories (HI-FI, Compact-Disk, air conditioning systems) which up to a few years ago were unthinkable.

These are only some examples of the direction and intensity of technological change in cars. Those who offer vehicle repair, maintenance and installation services must comply with these factors.

It is evident that besides the fact that new vehicles and motorcycles have been considerably improved with regard to reliability, this involves a radical change for those who have a car repair business.

by: Amos
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Technological Development Of Auto Repair Shanghai