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Approved Auto Body Repair

Approved Auto Body Repair

The road can be an unpredictable place and it is always possible that your vehicle may encounter a few knocks and dents.

Vehicle repair can unfortunately be equally as unpredictable which is why leading auto manufacturers provide a number of approved auto body repairers which conform to their exact specified standards.

In the unfortunate event of your vehicle being involved in an accident, these approved auto body repairers come highly recommended as their use ensures that you continue to receive the benefits of the warranty offered by said repairs, to the extent that your warranty has not expired or lapsed.

Approved Auto Repair GuaranteesApproved Auto Body Repair

Approved auto body repairers have met specified criteria, including required investments in their facilities and equipment as well as committing to several best practices within the auto repair industry.

These include performing all body and paint services in accordance with the guidelines specified by your auto manufacturer; the use of only genuine parts for repairs; and a guarantee that all work performed shall be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period equal to the remaining duration of the body warranty.

They even guarantee that any paintwork performed by them will be free from defects for a minimum warranty period of up to 3 years.

Aluminium Body Technology

Some auto manufactures have introduced some innovative new technologies to the automotive industry. This includes lightweight aluminium bodies which tap into the potential of lightweight combination of steel and aluminium in automotive design.

This innovative lightweight construction has previously been seen mainly in the production of sports cars where there is a need for lower consumption, superior agility and greater efficiency; but it is now part and parcel of the luxury vehicle market.

And while these techniques have created vehicle bodies that are comparatively 30 kilograms lighter than previous models without compromising on protection, they are nevertheless a specialised technology created by experienced engineers with an understanding of the characteristic qualities of aluminium.

Aluminium Body Repairs

These vehicles require specially trained and equipped aluminium structural repairers. Once again, approved aluminium body repairers have the only body shops that have all the specialised equipment to repair these vehicles. They have the dedicated area and the dedicated hand tools required to repair these vehicles so as not to introduce a cross contamination of steel and aluminium which will cause corrosion problems.

More so, they are required to attended a 2-week specialised training course on correct aluminium welding procedures as well as aluminium technology.

The road can be an unpredictable place, but with an approved auto body repairer the process of returning your vehicle to optimum condition needn't be.

Guaranteed skills, facilities and technologies approved by the auto manufacture of your vehicle provides not only the very best care of your luxury car but also the peace of mind that your vehicle will still deliver the same performance as always for many more journeys to come.

by: Audi South Africa
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Approved Auto Body Repair Shanghai