A Yorkshire Terrier Breeder History

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A Yorkshire Terrier Breeder History
The Yorkshire Terrier is up there with some of the smallest breeds of dog in the world. Any Yorkshire Terrier breeder will let you know about this dog's obviously small size, so anyone looking for a large dog should be looking in a different direction. Yorkshire Terrier puppies tend to be rather bold and stubborn by nature, but they can learn how to follow your directions eventually. A Yorkshire Terrier breeder will start to try and train the dog a bit before you buy it. This means that you won't be starting from scratch when you get home with your new puppy. Yorkshire Terrier puppies sometimes allow their stubbornness to lead to mischief, but they learn better as they get older too. Although they are rather small in stature, the Yorkie actually makes for a decent watch dog. They don't really pack a punch because of their small size, but they can definitely let anyone around them know when trouble is afoot. Their yapping is loud enough to wake the neighbors, so you don't have to worry about somebody getting around this dog. Yorkshire Terriers are also very protective of their owners, so there is no reason to believe they would do anything against your better judgment. The first Yorkshire Terrier breeder was around about 100 years ago. This breed of dog was created in England, but has since seen its fair share of travel around the world. Although this breed of dog is now a symbol of distinguished class, the first Yorkshire Terrier puppies were actually created for the purpose of catching rats in mines. The Yorkshire Terrier's ancestor was known as the Waterside Terrier, which was a small breed that came from Scotland. The Yorkie gets its name from the location of its birth, Yorkshire, England. The Yorkie that we see today is actually a bit smaller than what was created in the beginning. Of course, Yorkshire Terrier puppies are not used to kill rats anymore, so the reason for this decline in size is probably due to the fact that people want a smaller sized Yorkie. The Yorkie is more of an accessory for people now than a hunter, and it would be hard to find anyone using a Yorkshire Terrier for anything other than something to play with. While the Yorkshire Terrier still has its roots of chasing down vermin, it doesn't really use these qualities in its everyday life. Nowadays, Yorkies spend most of their time relaxing around the house or chasing their own tail. A Yorkshire Terrier breeder is giving Yorkies a better life these days, and no one would say that this sheltered life is worse for them than the mines where they came from.
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