Will It Be Possible For Getting Pregnant After Being On The Pill? - Can Birth Control Pills Have Any Ill Effects On the Child?

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In this modern age, people are tied down with the rat race of life, that they find no time for family. Family planning is more of a trend these days and many couples are opting for different methods of family planning to delay starting a family. There are many methods of birth control that have come into being to 'support' this cause. One well known method for contraception that most of the women opt for is the use of birth control pills, also known as oral contraceptives. These pills make it difficult for conception to take place and hence many women vouch for it. After some years, when planning to start a family while on the pill, many women may get doubts if getting pregnant on the pill can be possible. If you are also one of them and get the same doubts, then read further. If you are on the pill and wondering about the average time to get pregnant, be in touch with your gynecologist, who can advice you on the pros and cons of taking oral contraceptives. But before we take a look at the possibilities of getting pregnant on the pill, let us see how the birth control pills function.
Function of Oral Contraceptives
Birth control pills, or oral contraceptives, contain synthetic hormones whose function is similar to the female hormones, estrogen and progesterone. There are different types of birth control pills, classified according to the composition of the synthetic hormones in the pills. The sperm fuses with the egg (or ova) to create a blastocyst or an embryo, which embeds itself in the inner wall of the uterus. When this implantation occurs, a woman is said to be pregnant. When a woman is on oral contraceptives, she is unable to conceive due to the alteration in the uterus brought about by the pills. These hormonal contraceptives weaken the uterine lining and make it unfit for implantation. A woman's menstrual cycle also changes its course. Hence, due to these factors, there are only a few chances of a woman getting pregnant while she is on a dose of birth control pills.
Getting Pregnant on the Pill - Is It Possible?
What are the odds of getting pregnant on the pill? The chances of getting pregnant after the pill are almost unlikely, but there is also a risk of failure and a woman can conceive, if the pills fail to function properly. The synthetic hormones in the pills disable the sperms and prevent a woman from getting pregnant. A strict routine should be followed while on the pill and the course must be completed. But due to some reasons, a woman may forget to take her pill or there is a gap between the doses, then there are chances of getting pregnant on the pill. Here are some of the getting pregnant on the pill symptoms as observed in some women.
The symptoms of getting pregnant on the pill during periods can be noticed as getting abdominal cramps and experiencing breast tenderness. Some women may also suffer from morning sickness.
Getting pregnant on the pill and bleeding is one of the symptoms of implantation. When the zygote attaches itself to the uterus, it ruptures the uterine wall, which results in alight bleeding or spotting.
Some women may also experience food cravings as a sign of pregnancy. Pica, a condition which is due to craving for non food items, can also be noticed in some pregnant women.
If you are on the pill and want to conceive, then consult your gynecologist who will guide you accordingly. You must also be aware of the side effects of birth control pills. Hope you found this brief overview on 'getting pregnant on the pill' informative.
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Will It Be Possible For Getting Pregnant After Being On The Pill? - Can Birth Control Pills Have Any Ill Effects On the Child? Shanghai