Why Your Adhd Treatment Decision May End Up Saving The Life Of Someone You Adore

Share: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) really is a psychological predicament
impacting on a lot of people around the globe, but unfortunately, the commonest form of ADHD medication has now taken countless lives. Now, just before I go any further, I have to first emphasize that I am not a doctor, and as a result, everything you see within the paragraphs that follow is based exclusively on my belief, and on the unimaginable amount of time I've spent researching this particular condition. In no way is this information intended to substitute or discredit specialized medical advice.
I additionally won't be naming any individual treatments, or the pharmaceutical firms that create those medications. If you want names, please feel free to use Google Search, and you will have all the information you need. What I do want to do however is warn you of the threats regarding the most commonly encountered type of treatment so that maybe you may well avoid the anguish that is connected with the loss of a loved one.
Ever since the 1950's, physicians have supported use of stimulant drugs for controlling a range of psychological illnesses, and especially for handling ADHD. While the medical community and the pharmaceutical firms might give these treatments elaborate sounding names, they're in fact just powerful amphetamine-like drugs.
The most routinely prescribed ADHD medication is not only exceedingly addictive, but it is additionally already taken a number of young lives. This is not based upon speculation, and I am not mentioning this as part of a scaremongering tactic either. There are plenty of mothers and fathers out there who can bear testimony to this, and several even have the drugs mentioned on the death certificates of their sons and daughters who died.

Share: Every year, millions of prescriptions get issued for these treatments, which not surprisingly amount to billions of dollars, so realistically, we are certainly not about to see change. There is basically too much profit to be made, and the pharmaceutical companies are not going to pass by on this kind of golden opportunity.
Ironically, the United States Drug Enforcement Agency has all of these treatments cited within the very same category as morphine, cocaine, and opium, but yet governments continue to let boys and girls as young as 6 years old to get given these formulations.
Such is the nature of these prescription drugs that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) requires all packaging to display a "Black Box Warning" alerting consumers to the undeniable fact that they are addictive, and are also known to generate suicidal tendencies, particularly if taken by someone struggling with depression or anxiety.
Before you comply with your kid taking prescription ADHD medication, you should always first consider a homeopathic remedy as an alternative.
by: V K Rajagopalan
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Why Your Adhd Treatment Decision May End Up Saving The Life Of Someone You Adore Shanghai