Why You Should Use Online Videos
Why You Should Use Online Videos
Why You Should Use Online Videos
Changing technologies have sourced paradigm shifts in the way companies used to do their business. Gone are the days when print media, radio and television were considered the only ways of reaching the masses. The internet evolution has caused a revolution especially in the fields of advertising and marketing. Internet has become the most effective mode of communication and today millions of companies around the world are engaging in online business activities in one way or another. Even the companies who do not have an online presence rely extensively on online advertising and marketing campaigns in order to reach to millions of potential consumers and create brand awareness and promote their products and services.
As internet is becoming the most extensive medium of communication. Well focused and future oriented companies realize the potential of the "Interactivity" of the online medium and hence they are spending millions of dollars on online marketing.
According to a report published on the 13th of October 2010 on marketing-interactive.com; which states that:
"Although severe global recessionary pressures have affected the economies in the last couple of years, it appears that the recession doesn't exist on the web. This statement was based on the basis of report presented by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and The Price Water House Coopers (PWC) which suggests that during the first half of the year 2010, advertisers spent US 12.1 billion dollars on the web, which is a record spending on online advertising for a half-year period. According to the report the online advertising spending climbed to 11.3% over the same period in 2009. That spree was fueled by a robust 6.2 billion US dollar in spending during the second quarter of 2010, marking the second-largest revenue quarter ever tracked by the Interactive Advertising Bureau /Price water house Coopers (roughly $6.3 billion was spent during last quarter of the year 2009).
Analyzing the results the report further highlighted the comments of David Silverman, a partner at Price Water House Cooper (PWC) maintained that despite an adverse impact of recession, the double-digit growth in both online search and display clearly suggests that the prospects for online advertising continue to be strong and it clearly indicates long-term growth in the future."
Visualizing the importance of online marketing and advertising, businesses are engaging into an incessant war to improve their visibility, drawing more and more traffic to their web sites. Online marketers and advertisers are constantly incorporating various tactics and strategies to attract the attention of the masses of visitors and stand out to their competitors. Hence there are several forms of online marketing through which companies can maximize search engine rankings online, one of which is Video Marketing.
Video Marketing
Video marketing is defined as a marketing strategy use by companies to promote their products and services by using short, attractive and informative videos. The basic objective of developing and using such videos is to induce product or brand awareness in the prospective customers and entice them into purchasing the promoted products and services. It is also essential to note that video marketing is basically a strategy of marketing products through video as people sometimes confuse it with marketing the videos.
Communication through videos has always been the most efficient means of conveying your message successfully to your audience. As it is a well-known phrase that "A picture is worth a thousand words", video communication is a potential mode of communication to reach thousands of people. A visual presentation instead of textual material is not only attractive and visually appealing but also remains in the minds of the visitor for a long time. This is why today video communication is getting more and more important and companies are trying to improve their marketing efficiency through video marketing and giving its importance this book is dedicated to give you, an in depth information about Video Marketing.
If you want to become a successful online marketer and want to stand out of your competitors through incorporating effective marketing tactics by incorporating videos in your websites and other online sources than this book is essential for you and will help you explore not only the importance and the scope of video marketing but also it will help you to explore how to create and develop an effective, and ways to embed it in your websites. Further we will discuss several tips and tactics that can improve the efficiency of your videos. Hence this book presents a complete outlook on video marketing.
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