Why You Should Consider Laser Toenail Treatment

Share: Are you unhappy with the (nonexistent) results you are seeing with toe nail fungus
home remedies and over-the-counter treatments in stores and online? Millions of people in the nation suffer from toenail fungus annually. Toenail fungus, or onychomycosis, is fungal infection of the nail that is generally difficult to treat and is likely to recur. This is a common condition of the toenail that initially appears as a white or yellow spot under the toenail. Toenail fungus is unsightly and embarrassing causing those with the condition to feel self-conscious about their feet. Fortunately, you can now be freed from toenail fungus with a toenail fungus treatment in Los Angeles. Laser toenail fungus removal is a good option for those who do not want to deal with risky oral medications, nail polish cover-ups, and ineffective home remedies.
No More Harmful Medications
Have you heard or seen toenail fungus oral medications commercials? Oral medications have some serious side effects including liver damage. Even when taken, oral medications do not guarantee freedom from toenail fungus. Some oral medications require continuous dosages and success rates are nowhere near 100 percent. Toenail fungus oral medications require regular liver tests to ensure that your liver is healthy. Why take these medications when cure rates are not high and potentially harm your liver in the process?
No More Nail Polish Cover-Ups

Share: Those who suffer from toenail fungus apply nail polish to cover up the toenail fungus but realize that nail polish can only hide what is on the surface. When your toenails become thickened and abnormal, no nail polish can hide that. Many of us do not want to walk around the pool area with socks or keep their shoes on during the summer. In addition, women should be able to wear dressy sandals and those glamorous heels with pride. Unfortunately, victims of toenail fungus are forced to cover their unsightly toenails with nail lacquer, wear socks and shoes, or risk uneasy stares from their peers.
No More Ineffective Home Remedies
It goes without saying that toenail fungus treatments are confusing because there are so many products out there claiming to be successful. These products and treatments add up over time and burn a hole in the wallet. Thus, those who suffer from toenail fungus turn to home remedies to save money. One of the most popular home remedies includes the following ingredients: Vicks Vapor Rub, tea tree oil, and vinegar. Those who discover these home remedies want to believe that these at-home treatments work but in reality, come to the realization that it was all the placebo effect. Home remedy success stories and claims by toenail fungus survivors are not always true and in fact, those who try home remedies to no avail find themselves even more frustrated than before.
Are you tired of trying all of the mentioned treatments above and fail to see results? Laser toenail fungus removal in Los Angeles can allow you to return to your life before falling victim to toenail fungus. Do not let the fungus control your life any longerwear your sandals and walk around barefoot with pride today!
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