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Why Seo Is A Big Waste Of Money

Why Seo Is A Big Waste Of Money

It might seem odd to write an article on SEO and have the first post be written about how it is a waste of money

. I would normally support this opinion by throwing out a bunch of impressive numbers with lots of comma's that I dug up during my hours of research, but to be honest, I didn't do hours of research to write this. I could also talk about the amount of money spent on Search Engine Optimization each year and of course show its effectiveness with a really cool 3D chart, but charts and graphs generally irk me.

I have chosen instead to write from my own experience as the owner of an SEO company as well as a a student of some of the most well known SEO guru's in the industry as well as a teacher. Many of you are going to agree with what I have to say throughout the course of this and many of you won't...and both of you are welcome and encouraged to leave your comments!

So, what exactly makes SEO a waste of money? Well, if your primary goal is to get a top 10 listing on Google, you can accomplish that fairly easily with little or no effort. You don't need to pay an expert to do it. All you need to do is find a keyword phrase that doesn't have that much competition, write an article or two using it, make sure it's in the title of your page and create a handful of external links using that phrase. Tada! So how come the phone still isn't ringing?

It is because there are so many other important aspects to Search Engine Optimization that go beyond keyword research and placement but are often overlooked. In most cases, it is because your goals are off. Most companies focus on a top 10 listing or doubling traffic, neither of which is a guarantee that business is going to improve. At the end of the day, what do you want the outcome of your campaign to be? I imagine it is to grow your business, right?

If that is your goal, then it is clear that there is more to Search Engine Optimization than just your ranking and traffic. You need to think about all of the following and then some:

Ideal Client: If you aren't clear on who your ideal client is, then how will you know what they want? Suppose you run a salon and your target audience is "anyone with hair." How will you be able to connect with your visitor when a young woman has completely different needs than an older man? Yet, they all have hair.

Design: You can drive tens of thousands of visitors to your website, but if the site doesn't have the look, feel and quality that the visitor is expecting, they will not do business with you. Try launching a bank website with really bright colors and pictures of bank vaults, gold coins and stacks of cash everywhere and let me know how it goes.

Keywords: When you are clear on who your ideal client is, put yourself in their shoes and learn what they are searching for and how they search for it. Someone who might be looking for a plumber to redesign their bathroom will search in a completely different way than someone coming home to 2 feet of water in their basement.

Content: Writing quality content that will appease the search engines at the same time that it inspires the reader is the key. If you cram your keyword phrase in the text enough times, you may get a good ranking but when your visitor reads your text you may come across as illiterate.

Solutions: Provide solutions for your visitors rather than patting yourself on the back all over your site. When someone does a search online they are either looking for the solution to a problem or the answer to a question. if you site is focused primarily on you and what you have done and what your credentials are, you aren't solving the visitors problem and they will leave the site and find someone that will. Think about it. If you throw your back out and go to the chiropractor, do you want him to ramble on about where he went to school or do you want him to fix the problem?

These are just some of the things we will talk about on this blog. As a reader, my request to you is that if you have an opinion, share it. This blog will work well with me talking to you, but it will work so much better if we all talk to each other!

by: Marc Ensign
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