Why Is a Sheltie So Popular As a Companion Dog

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The main reason why the Sheltie is such a good companion dog is because it's from a herding breed. Like all dog breeds, Shetland Sheepdogs have a specific task that they are good at. In this case, if there aren't any sheep to round up, then the children will do. The breed's popularity is undeniable and is preferred by many families. They like having people around as much as people like being with them as well.
Shelties have a lot of energy that they need to release. Their work ethic is good, to say the least. In fact, they need a bit of workload otherwise they become restless and noisy. Two of the things they enjoy the most are playing with the ball and Frisbee. Like other popular dog breeds, the Sheltie makes a good playmate for children.
Working dog breeds like the company of people. They are very obedient that is why Border Collies and Shelties are successful in the obedience ring. These two practically own the highest scores in these types of trials.

Share: When raised well and cared for, Shelties become devoted to its family. These dogs are known for being responsive and bright. However, they also function as effective watchdogs because they are wary of strangers. Another reason why many people are drawn to owning Shelties is because of their inherent nature to please. This particular quality makes them highly trainable. In agility and herding competitions, Shelties will undoubtedly stand out. They're easy to bring along to parks and other recreational venues. Plus, they're well behaved when travelling.
If this it is your first time to take care of a dog, or would like to do so, one of the best choices is the Shetland sheepdog. Overall, the breed is healthy and strong. They have good temperament and are highly intelligent. Aside from that, they are almost always willing to please their owners. It's possible to raise a Sheltie in a condominium unit or an apartment given that it receives proper mental and physical exercise.
The Shetland sheepdog belongs to the top twenty dog breeds. That is why commercial kennels are rampantly producing them. Take caution. There is a major risk of buying a poorly bred puppy when you buy from these sources. Majority of backyard breeders do not have sufficient knowledge on pedigree, health problems and temperament. A poorly bred puppy can be shy or even very fearful of people and other animals. They can also be too high-strung and yappy. Shelties that are well-bred have a high tolerance for active children. On the other hand, dogs that are bred poorly might nip a bit here and there. These are absolutely unsafe for families and especially young kids.
Indeed, the Sheltie has come a long way since its recognition as an official breed in the 1900's. From being known only as a "miniature collie", today, it can prove to everyone that it has its own identity.
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