Why Frontline Flea Control Is Important For Your Pet

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Did you consider fleas to be just an irritating pest that causes your dog or cat to itch continuously? Well, fleas are much more dangerous than that. Frontline flea control is essential not merely to save your pet from scratching itself all the time. It is essential to protect your pet and your family members from the health threat caused by fleas. Frontline Flea Control: Why You Need It Frontline flea control is a popular choice for eradicating fleas in dogs, cats and other animals. This product has been in use for several years and is preferred by most pet owners. This is because fleas can cause a number of serious health problems, including: Allergies: Many animals are allergic to flea saliva. Most pets may develop bug bites (that appear like mosquito bites). However, if your pet is allergic to flea saliva, it will develop a severe rash or maybe even large welts. Skin Infections: Flea bites itch. Your pet may scratch or bite the flea bite, causing infection. This will cause further itching and your pet will continue to spread the infection by scratching the infected area. This vicious cycle can be broken by Frontline flea control. Of course, the infection would have to be cured as well. Tapeworm Infection: Fleas are often carriers of parasites. If your pet happens to eat a flea that is infected, it could tapeworm infection. This could result in loss of appetite, weight loss, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting. Even your children or other family members run the risk of getting infected. Other Diseases: Frontline flea control is essential for the prevention of other diseases, such as sarcoptic mange, chyletilla deramatitis, bubonic plague and murine typhus. Humans are also at risk of these diseases, which can be transmitted via your pets. Advantages of Frontline Flea Control While there are a number of options to get rid of fleas, Frontline flea control has proved to be the most effective. Traditional methods include applying flea powers, which is inconvenient and not effective in eradicating the problem. Frontline flea control is said to get rid of 100% of the fleas within 12 hours of application. Moreover, the treatment is long lasting and can kill fleas for a month after its application. This product has been approved for puppies or kittens that are more than eight weeks old. Moreover, this product is waterproof and will be effective even after your bathe your pet. Frontline is among the few products that are effective for getting rid of ticks in cats. Of course, there are some precautions that you should take no matter which product you decide to use for getting rid of fleas. These include keeping your house clean, bathing your pet regularly and washing your pet's bedding frequently.
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