Why Do You Need A Urology Doctor?

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Why Do You Need A Urology Doctor?
Urology is a field of medicine that deals with the disorders and diseases that are related to male and female urinary systems and male reproductive systems.
Urologic diseases are very common among people these days. Some of the popular urology diseases are explained as follows:
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BHP) - With age, prostate glands tend to increase in size. This happens due to hormonal changes within the body. Prostate gland is located near the bladder, encircling the urethra. So, the tube through which the urine passes often puts pressure on the bladder. This can restrict flow of urine. Typical symptoms include dribbling of urine, frequent urination, etc. mostly men who are above 50 years face BHP.
Urinary tract infection - Urinary tract infection (UTI) mainly happens due to bacterial infection in the urinary area of men. The infection usually affects the bladder area. Symptoms typically involve strong urge to urinate, burning sensation while urinating, Hematuria, etc. If treatment is delayed, the infection can arrive at kidneys and cause symptoms like vomiting, pain, chills, and fever.
Incontinence - This is more common in women, but it can happen to men as well. This urologic disease can weaken the ability to control of urine leakage. Stress, trauma or surgery is the most likely reasons behind incontinence.
Interstitial cystisis (IC) - This is also known as the painful bladder syndrome. It is a persistent urology disease that causes inflammation of tissues on the wall of the bladder. A few of the common signs and symptoms of IC include pelvic pain, discomfort while urination, painful sexual intercourse, urgency to urinate, etc. therapies that have been found useful in treating IC are bladder hydrodistention, cystoscopic manipulation, bladder removal and bladder training.
Proteinuria - This is a medical condition that leads to presence of high amounts of protein in urine. This is an indication that the kidneys are not functioning properly.
Cystocele - This is a urologic problem that takes place on the walls of a woman's bladder. It results in weakening of her vagina and leads to the sinking of the bladder into the vagina. Childbirth could be a probable reason behind this urology problem.
Male reproductive diseases - Disorders of male reproductive system include conditions like erectile dysfunction, infertility, premature ejaculation, hernia, hydrocele, orchitis, varicocele, and meatal stenosis.
Urologic diseases must be treated as soon as they are diagnosed and you must consult a good urology doctor. Bowie citizens should seek professional urology assistance from Murdock Urology Associates.
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