Why do Most People Thirst for Return to the Childhood?

Share: When we grow up and when we experience all kinds of things that we must to face
, we usually wanna go back our childhood.
When we recall our childhood, there is always a picture about a scene of group of kids playing all kinds of games without pressure and trouble constantly recur to our heads. What a sweet life! That's the reason why there are so many people thirsting for return to the childhood.
In our childhood, we cannot think anything, and at that time there is no pressure is around us, no responsibility is twisting us, what we have to do is to play and what is to play with our friends. I remember when I was a child I always went out to play with them on the street with all kinds of strange games until we get exhausted with a dirty clothes and go home cheerfully, then enjoy a wonderful meal with our parents, then we would have a deep sleep.
We can conflict with our friends for a small thing, but we can on good terms again soon, just like nothing had happened. Yes, when we are child we would not like to think too much, only we want to make more happiness.
This is our childhood where is full of imagine, and we have the motivation to explore the unknown world which is fill up with colorful things for us. We can dream all kinds of jobs we like, in fact, rarely of these can come true. But with the growing up of ourselves, the opinions that from our childhood have changed a lot, we are now receiving the things naturally, though sometimes we dont want to own.
However, it is true that everyone will grow up. And we will have the responsibility to deal with other things. We should not complain, there are also many pleasures that the child could not own when we grow up. We should persist it to the end. When you feel unhappy, you can think your childhood to change your mind. This is your beautiful memory in your heart.
Why do Most People Thirst for Return to the Childhood?
By: Venturiwang
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