Why Buy Prescription Facial Hair Remover Online Only From a Licensed Pharmacy?
Why Buy Prescription Facial Hair Remover Online Only From a Licensed Pharmacy
However, it pays to be cautious, especially when purchasing prescription drugs over the internet, given the number of unscrupulous vendors operating under what appear to be quite professional pharmaceutical web sites.
What Vaniqa Does
Before you buy Vaniqa it is important to realize that although this cream merely inhibits the growth of facial hair, it is a prescription drug. Vaniqa is the brand name for Eflornithine Hydrochloride 13.9%. Eflornithine was originally manufactured to combat malignant cancer and later was found effective against African sleeping sickness. A side effect was observed, namely, hair loss.
This aspect of the drug was utilized by Bristol-Myer Squibb and The Gillette Company to inhibit the growth of facial hair. After many years of testing and clinical trials, it was put on the market as a prescription cream in the year 2000 with FDA approval.
So when you buy Vaniqa or any prescription drug, for your own safety, it should be done under the supervision of a qualified, licensed medical practitioner. The internet however has changed the way some prescription drugs can be obtained.
Some web sites may give the appearance of being a professional pharmacy and offer prescription drugs at greatly reduced prices. However, the FDA warns against obtaining prescription drugs from unqualified sources.
For one thing, the drug may not be genuine.
Secondly, it could be prescribed to individuals with other health complications and cause harm.
The American Medical Association advises against buying prescription items from web sites that merely require the user to fill out an online form. This does not meet the standard requirements of medical care.
Purchasing Precautions
A face-to-face consultation with a qualified medical practitioner is recommended who can then give a prescription based on a thorough knowledge and understanding of the patient. The patient can then go online to a licensed pharmacy and submit the prescription information.
Only a small number of online pharmacies are registered and licensed with the Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Site. This program comes under the supervision of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy.
True, when you buy Vaniqa it is not like purchasing some prescription drugs which carry severe side effects. Vaniqa's side effects are quite minimal. Some women who used Vaniqa just reported skin irritation and redness.
Pregnant & Nursing Women
Nevertheless, there is insufficient data to suggest Vaniqa can be used without side effects on pregnant or nursing women. Also females suffering from severe cases of inflammatory acne need to be cautious. Additionally, females under 12 years of age are recommended not to use Vaniqa.
Whether you buy Vaniqa or any prescription item online, make sure you do research on the company first. Check out their web site, follow links on their home page that give details of the company, whether they have 24 hour qualified staff answering questions, and whether they are licensed to dispense prescription drugs. You can also check whether they are registered with the VIPPS (see note above).
So when you are ready to buy Vaniqa online, price is not the only qualifying factor. Make sure you are dealing with a reputable, licensed online pharmacy. The resource box below gives further information on where to buy Vaniqa safely online.
For full information on Vaniqa and a licensed online pharmacist click here:http://www.about-hair-removal.com/Vaniqa-Infopages
Check out Kalo, a hair growth inhibitor for men and women which is natural with no side effects:http://www.1bodycare.com/kalo.htm
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Why Buy Prescription Facial Hair Remover Online Only From a Licensed Pharmacy? Shanghai