Where To Find The Winning Network Marketing Tool

Share: You may brand new to network marketing
You may brand new to network marketing. Or maybe you've been in the industry for a while. Either way, you've probably been looking for that perfect network marketing tool that you can use to grow your business.
It has to be something that you you can trust to work for you consistently. Something that will give you 100% . . .and, naturally, something that doesn't cost as much as it's worth.
Well, here's some great news! The very best network marketing tool is absolutely free. And. . .it's extremely easy to find. . .in fact, you already have it!
Because YOU are the secret tool. . . that's right, yourself.
Are you confused? Don't worry. . .I'll explain. . .
First of all, let's be clear on what tools we do NOT want to use in your marketing. You don't want to promote your network marketing company with the tools that the company itself offers you: the fliers, the posters, DVDs and no, not even the website. You can show these to your prospects later on, after you've already gotten their attention.
Why don't you want to use these tools? Because the people that you are trying to recruit as part of your team do not care about the business that you are involved in. That might be hard for you to believe but. . .they don't.
It doesn't matter how great you think your business is . .and I'm sure you think it's fantastic. But it doesn't matter. Because your potential downline does not care.
So, what do they care about then? They care if YOU can show them how to be successful in your network marketing business. They care if YOU will be there to answer their questions and to support them.
In this exploding world of online network marketing, where it's hard to find a person through all the hype and offers, your potential team members as well as your future customers are looking for someone that they can trust and count on. Someone who will lead them in the right direction. And above all, someone who is real.
They too are seeking that guaranteed-to-grow-your-business network marketing tool. So go out there and introduce yourself. Broadcast that you are here and you're ready to help them succeed.
Where can you do this?
1) Set up a Facebook account. Let people know about your status. Keep things social and upbeat with comments like "I love being able to work and stay at home with my kids! I love my business!" Make sure your link(s) are in your profile.
2) Register on Twitter and update your "tweets". This is similar to what you do on Facebook. . .but do it in 140 characters or less. Again, make it interesting and make it personal and don't be promotional. . .the name of the game is "offer value" and allow people to see what you are all about.
3) Set up your own free blog on Blogger.com and write about what you know about network marketing.
These are three of the easiest places to establish your identity online as a network marketing tool.
Realize that you yourself are the best network marketing tool and capitalize on that! More to come. . .
by: Laura A Shapiro
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