What Happens If I Get Liposuction And Then Get Pregnant?
Share: Cosmetic surgeries such as liposuction (also referred to as lipoplasty and suction
lipectomy) are extremely popular in America, and they are especially popular among women. Every year, somewhere between 300,000 and 500,000 Americans undergo suction lipectomy, and between 80% and 90% of these are women.
One of the big questions that a lot of women have is: "what happens if I get pregnant after my lipoplasty?" People are often afraid that if they regain weight during a pregnancy then their lipectomy results will simply disappear.
It is hard to give an exact answer about precisely what will happen, given that the surgery and its outcomes depend an awful lot on individual circumstance. Any significant gain in weight after a liposuction can potentially have unwanted side effects. When a person gains weight, their body will swell. If they put on significant amounts of weight, then there is the chance that their body could regrow some of the fat cells removed during liposuction. Sometimes the development of new fat cells happens in the area that your lipoplasty targeted, and sometimes it happens elsewhere, creating new problem areas that you may never have had to deal with before.
However, pregnancy associated weight gain does not seem to cause any more negative effects than regular weight gain. Your results will probably be best if you can eat healthily and be as active as possible during your pregnancy. While many doctors advise against beginning a new exercise regimen during pregnancy, women can often continue exercise programs that they are already participating in long into a pregnancy.
Share: Lots of women express specific concern about their stomachs. The abdomen is one of the most popular locations for lipoplasty. Lots of women undergo the surgery to smooth out and remove excess fat from their tummies. These women should be aware that even if their fat level remains the same, it is possible that they will experience something of an extra tummy bulge after their pregnancy. During the process of pregnancy, the skin and muscles of your abdomen will probably become somewhat stretched out, which will make it harder to have the perfectly flat tummy of your youth.
If you would like to undergo liposuction but think you might become pregnant again, you may want to mention this to your surgeon. He or she should be able to help you decide what the best course of action is for you.
by: Christian Heftel
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