What are the Benefits and Drawbacks Of Cell Phones and Kids?

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There are plenty of things both in favour of and against cell phones and kids this was not even a consideration a few years ago. As a mother to an 11 year old boy I understand the challenge ahead. This war between growing with technology in our advancing world and doing so safely led me to research this topic extensively.
Before making a purchase for your child's cell phone, it'll be important and vital that you should know and understand these pros and cons. Here some of the key advantages and disadvantages with cell phones and kids pointed out and explained. It will be important to you to understand these so that you are able to make the very best judgment in your case.
Pros: The main reasons In Favour Of our kids having cell phones are;We gain peace of mind having the phone call and text ability to stay in contact with our kids, knowing exactly where they are.

Share: Arrangements change throughout the day and the convenience of being able alert your child that you may be late for pick up helps us and them to feel safe.
One other good basis for our kids using a cell phone is Home Phone congestion! So often we as parents have to book in a time to use our own cell phone as they just have to download this game, call "Johnny" and well you may know that script.
Should you take that into consideration, then it seems sensible to include technology in your family. It is the way the world is moving and a large part of our kid's lives. It does give us some great advantages as made aware of in the above...But that is the pros of cell phones and kids. There is also a negative side. Let us examine a number of the negatives.
Cons: Arguments against cell phones and kids. The growing issue of cell phone radiation.If you ever allow your child to hold a cell phone to their head, that might produce the effect of exposing them to harmful radiation as a child's brain absorbs cell phone radiation at a lot deeper level that an adults.
There is no way that that could be a good thing. It could be enough reason for avoiding allowing your kids to have a cell phone at all.Did you know that a child's brain absorbs cell phone radiation at a much deeper level than adults? We cannot see radiation however it is in existence and we cannot ignore or isolate our kids from growing in their technological world.
I have found a fantastic alternative to allowing my son to use a cell phone at the same time as fully using technology in our home. I have even saved myself a dollar by bundling up a camera, games and contact ability all in one safe device for him. (Proud mom moment.)
So, there are many available options to keep our kids safe from excessive radiation exposure. I suggest you review the topic to see what best suits you, your child and your decision about cell phones and kids.
The last legitimate reason to avoid cell phones for kids is evidence is mounting daily to suggest that yes; there is a link between cell phone radiation and cell phone cancer. Remember we have only been using cell phones for approximately 10 years, so the research cases simply have not been there in the past, but as said it is advised to take precaution, especially with cell phones and kids.
I strongly advise people to consider this point very seriously, due to the fact it can cause cell phone cancer, brain tumours and other nasties if you opt to allowing your kids using a cell phone
So that's that. There are actual disadvantages and benefits of cell phones and kids you may want to carefully look at the above information and comparisons. Hopefully your choice process could be aided greatly because of the pro and con info presented here.
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