» Cancer Insurance » Warning Signs Of Breast Cancer You Should Be Aware Of
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Warning Signs Of Breast Cancer You Should Be Aware Of

Breast cancer could be a quite dangerous disease as the worst outcome might trigger the end of your life

. Nevertheless, should you receive treatment for this at an initial stage, you definitely have a higher chance of surviving and also receiving a complete cure to it too.

Contracting breast cancer does not necessary means "the end". If you look into it in a different angle, it is "the beginning" of you learning how to fight for your life and finding hope.

Since breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancers being contracted by people around the world, it is better to have a deeper understand of such cancer and the its warning signs.

What are the symptoms of breast cancer?

* Shape or size change from the breast.

* A lump or thickening inside the breast. (Possible areas include area surrounding the breast or the underarm.)

* Breast feels abnormally warm to the touch.

* Retraction of nipple. (Nipple turned inwards or sunken into the breast.)

* Nipple's shape becomes irregular.

* Rash around the nipple or areola.

* Discharge from the nipple. (Either bloody or fluid.)

* Dimpling of the skin on breast. (The skin looks like the skin of the orange.)

* Breast appears red, scaly or swollen.

* Breast feeling pain.

If any of the symptoms occurred to you and you feel uneasy about it, please consult your doctor immediately. Bear in mind that finding out that you have cancer at inintial stage is much better than finding it at a more advanced stage.

Even though you had been diagnosed by the doctor later that this is not cancer, it will probably be much better than worrying about it for days before finally deciding to tell someone about it.

Nevertheless, please don't take this matter lightly. Always be on a lookout for the changes of your breast, particularly the nipples. When the nipple discharges either fluid or blood, or there is a retraction of the nipples, these could be possible signs of cancer.

The symptoms for breast cancer might not come that early the moment you contracted the disease, that is why it's advisable for you to do body check-ups regularly, particularly for older ladies as they stand a higher possibility of contracting such cancer.

You can examine your breasts or nipples on a regular basis and note for every changes to them, the moment that you sense something isn't right, consult your doctor right away even if you're feeling that it might be a false alarm. This is especially important if you're one of those people out there who have a very unhealthy lifestyle.

That is why you should remain healthy and cherish your life!

by: Chris Hilton
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Warning Signs Of Breast Cancer You Should Be Aware Of Shanghai