Vietnam had opened its doors to the whole World, thus the birth of Vietnamese visa online will be of great benefit for those who love to travel. This time they don't have to worry that there passport will be taken from them and wait for it to be stamped at before they can actually enter Vietnam. Visa for Vietnam can now be easily acquired and processed right even at the comfort of your own homes. Filling up of forms, payments can now be done through the Vietnamese Visa online, there's no need for you to be present literally just so that your visa to Vietnam can be processed and approved.
One of the fees that you need to be aware of is the service fee that will be asked you to pay. What is a service fee and what is it for? Is it really needed or required to pay before your visa to Vietnam be approved?
The answer is yes, service fee is the payment for arranging your pre-approved letter. It will not be you who will file and apply for it in person any more. The comfort and convenience that you'll experience upon arriving at the International Airport of Vietnam will be done by another person or by the office. That's why once you have availed or use the services of the Vietnamese Visa Online, all you have to do is board the plane and get yourself to the International Airport of Vietnam and your pre-approved letter will be rightly waiting for you. Saving all the trouble of waiting and falling queue just to process and apply for the letter.
This pre-approved letter is important since you cannot enter Vietnam if you haven't got a pre-approved letter. You'll be sent back to your country right away. Though this letter can be arranged by any travel agencies, however if you have applied for a visa for Vietnam through the internet. The site only requires you to pay the service fee and you'll have the pre-approved letter without any problems and hassles at all. Charges from the service can also be accesses through the Vietnamese visa online site. Therefore you can have ample time in preparing the amount to be able to have you pre-approved letter for travel to Vietnam.
So, why worry when everything can be done even at the comfort of your own home. From the transaction and all the mode of payments that you want, it's right at the tip of your fingers.