Using An Anti Snoring Device With Missing Teeth
Snoring devices can work with missing teeth, removable partials or dentures depending
on the design and materials used in the anti snoring device.
If missing teeth are not replaced by a bridge, partial or denture, anti snoring devices made from thermoplastic materials, such as the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution, work well is there are at least 10 teeth on the upper and 10 teeth on the lower. If a snoring mouthpiece is made from non-thermoplastic materials, such as zQuiet or Snoremenders, then the mouthpiece cannot be adapted to areas where the teeth are missing.
When it comes to using an anti snoring device with dentures or removable partials some snoring devices work better than others. With dentures the best combination is an upper denture opposing lower natural teeth. When you use an anti snoring device the lower jaw is moved forward which creates some force against the lower front teeth. With lower natural teeth, depending on how forward your lower jaw needs to be positioned to stop the snoring, this force ranges from not being detectable to feeling a slight amount of pressure against the front of the lower teeth.
If you have an upper denture and a lower removable partial, the anti snoring device would function the same as if you had all of your lower natural teeth. The challenge comes when you have full upper and lower dentures.
The Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution is one of the few anti snoring mouthpieces that can work with full upper and lower dentures. The dentures must have very good retention, i.e., upper and lower ridges with adequate height to prevent the dentures from slipping forward or backward. You would need to wear the dentures at night with a denture adhesive to ensure that they stay in place while wearing the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution mouthpiece.
If yourlower ridge is flat, then in order for the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution to work you would also need to wear a chin strap to secure your lower denture.
An upper removable partial in combination with either lower natural teeth or a lower partial does not pose any problems when using an anti snoring mouthpiece.
If you have an upper removable partial opposing a full lower denture then the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution would work the same as described above--it would require using a denture adhesive and possibly a chin strap to secure the lower denture.
To order the most effective anti snoring remedy for dentures and partials and missing teeth go to:
by: Don
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