Understanding Short Term Health Insurance in Virginia

Share: As clear from the name, short term health insurance is risk coverage for a shorter period of time
. Sometimes it is also called temporary health insurance. Usually, short term health insurance plans are designed for healthy individuals and families. In its best use, temporary health insurance serves as a temporary solution while a change might be happening in the life of the consumers.
Like in any other state, short term health insurance plans in Virginia last for 1-6 months. However, it can be renewed for a total of 36 months. Consumers should note that all types of coverage are not offered in a short term health insurance plan, e.g., pre-existing conditions are not covered in a short term health insurance.
Who needs short term health insurance Virginia?
Below is the targeted audience for short term health insurance plans:
1. Consumers who are temporarily out of work but still need medical cover to save themselves from financial burden.
2. Employees who got a new job and have not been enrolled in a employer-offered group health insurance plan.
3. College students.
4. Consumers who are in a waiting period of a standard health insurance policy.
5. Consumers losing dependent status and have not enrolled in a standard health insurance policy.
6. Consumers who are on some type of strike; military discharge; or early retirees
Advantages of short term health insurance Virginia:
As clear from the application of short term health insurance plans, let's discuss about some of the benefits that consumers can enjoy from these plans:
Short term health insurance plans are less expensive than standard health insurance plans offered in Virginia.
Consumers have the liberty to choose any doctor. In short term health insurance plans, there is no limitation of physicians' network.
A lot of companies in Virginia offer "Certificate of Creditable Coverage" to be used with the next employer's health insurance policy. For consumers in Virginia, this could be very helpful in making sure that the new group coverage does not exclude a pre-existing medical condition.
Short term health insurance provider coverage to dependents and family members as per rules.
Understanding Short Term Health Insurance in Virginia
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