Types Of Treatment For Stretch Marks After Pregnancy

Share: Even though you may be very happy about the arrival of your new son or daughter
, you may not be very happy about the stretch marks that developed during your pregnancy. No matter whether you have only one mark or several, they are bound to look more unsightly to you at this time. While your perceptions may start to change as your body returns to normal, it may still be of benefit to see if you can reduce stretch marks as much as possible. Today, there are three main methods that you can work with. While some may be more effective than others, at least you can give them a try and see if they will alleviate your concerns.
Creams and Ointments
Overall, you will find that the vast majority of stretch mark treatments revolve around ointments and creams. Most are designed to help restore the dermis layer of the skin, as well as make use of moisturizers and other compounds to alleviate itching and soreness. If you are planning to use creams for stretch marks, you should be aware of the fact that many contain chemicals made from petroleum.
Aside from being carcinogenic, some of these ingredients may also interfere with various hormones in the body. In a similar way, some stretch mark creams also rely on materials from animals, and even aborted fetuses. When it comes to animal based ingredients, even though they are highly processed, you may still be exposed to antibiotics or hormones used to accelerate the growth process in animals. Rather than take this chance, you can, and should try to rely only on organic products that do not contain animal based ingredients.

Share: Laser Procedures
Today, there is a relatively new procedure for removing stretch marks that makes use of laser light. Basically, small wounds are created in deep skin layers using laser pulses. As the skin heals, it will produce a new layer of collagen, as well as to help rebuild the dermis layer. While this method does appear to be effective, you will need to go for several treatments before the entire stretch mark is replaced with new skin.
Stretch Mark Surgery
If you happen to have a large number of stretch marks, then surgery may be of some help. That said, if you do not need to have fat removed from beneath the skin, it may not be possible to ensure these mark will be cut away during the procedure. In addition, you may also find that these procedures will not be covered by your health insurance, since they are viewed as cosmetic in nature.
Some people feel that there is nothing worse than having these marks. If you happen to be in that category, there are at least three different kinds of therapy that you can try. Invariably, it will be in your best interest to try methods that are less invasive before going on to ones that cost more or require more time to recover from. In addition, you should read the product reviews and user reviews in details.
by: Cyril
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