Types Of Individual Health Insurance Available For You

Share: Health insurance is one important thing that you should have
. Without it, you are putting you and your family at risk. Accidents after all can happen to anyone at anytime. Without a good enough coverage, you could end up being cash strapped and would have work doubly hard just to pay off the medical bills. Buying health insurance though is not an easy thing especially for the first timers.
Individual health insurance if you cannot be a part of a group plan is the most sensible option for you. Although slightly more expensive than group health insurance, you can still save on monthly premiums on
individual health insurance coverage. The key is to find what type of plan to choose. There are plenty of plans but the most common includes HMO, PPO, HAS, and FFS.
HMO plans are usually the most available and affordable too. A Health Maintenance Organization is a network of hospitals and doctors offering comprehensive coverage. If you buy this type of individual insurance plan, you could choose from the network's hospitals and doctors. This is a good choice if you do not prefer a particular doctor to consult with or to treat you. On the other hand, if you are already comfortable with a doctor not within an HMO network, you can opt for the PPO plans.
Preferred Provider Organization plans would allow you to see any doctor or to go to any hospital for treatment. This is a flexible plan meaning it could be great for just about anyone. Also, this is an affordable plan if you play it right. With its flexibility, you can adjust deductibles and such so as to reduce the monthly premiums.
HAS or Health Savings Account plans on the other hand is also a good choice for anyone looking for individual health insurance. It is a tax-free savings account where you can save money which will be used for routine medical bills. If you are in the habit of having a regular medical checkup, this would be a good choice.
Last but not the least is the Fee For Service plans. It is by far the simplest plan in the sense that you can get the care you need and you would be reimbursed a percentage of the bill depending on your monthly premiums.
Types Of Individual Health Insurance Available For You
By: Zaldy Dalisay
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