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Treatment Methods That Can Help Alleviate Your Genital Herpes Symptoms

Treatment Methods That Can Help Alleviate Your Genital Herpes Symptoms

If you currently suffer from genital herpes, you should know that many other people

around the world have been infected with this viral sexually transmitted infection. They too know the pain, suffering and embarrassment you suffer from and deal with many of the same issues that you do as well. Genital herpes is one of the most common infections that are currently out there today.

The good thing about genital herpes, and genital warts as well is that neither of these infections are life threatening, although genital warts can have some fairly permanent health complications. Genital warts, for example, can lead to cervical cancer and permanent infertility due to pelvic inflammatory disease. As you can see, it can be heartbreaking for a woman to learn that the genital warts she has been infected with and dealing with for years are suddenly getting in the way of her plans to have children.

Because the symptoms are different between the two infections, treatments for genital herpes and genital warts is similar in some respects, but are actually quite different when you look at the details. The first thing that you need to remember is that you are treating the symptoms and preventing transmission. You are not curing these infections since there is no cure currently available. The best thing that is on the market is the Gardisil vaccine to make women immune to several strains of genital warts.

Both genital herpes and genital warts can be treated with products that ease the symptoms. With genital herpes, there are creams which can relieve the burning, itching pain and help the sores dry up more quickly. There are also medications which can make the outbreaks fewer and far between. These are great because fewer out breaks can make you feel more confident and comfortable. There are also antiviral medications which suppress outbreaks but these can be hard on your system.Treatment Methods That Can Help Alleviate Your Genital Herpes Symptoms

Genital warts have different treatment products. They aim at shrinking the warts and getting them to go away and not return. Because they are raised areas , there are also treatment methods which can surgically remove genital warts. Because genital herpes are flat against the skin, there is no way to cut these off and treat them that way. Pills and creams are your only treatment methods with genital herpes.

You should not make the mistake of purchasing over the counter creams for your genital warts and genital herpes unless you have been advised to do so by your doctor. Doing so, especially for genital warts can make the problem much worse and end up causing permanent scarring or other health problems. If possible, you want to make sure that you are treating your HPV with creams and lotions before you make the leapt to getting wart removal surgery.

Although there are differences between the two infections, there are treatment methods that can help you lessen your genital herpes symptoms. They can help prevent accidental transmission and they can also help get you feeling like your old self as quickly as possible.

by: Vikram Kumar
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Treatment Methods That Can Help Alleviate Your Genital Herpes Symptoms