Treatment For Ibs

Share: Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disease that is estimated to affect 15% of the population in the United States today
. There are many IBS symptoms that can help to diagnose the disease, but there currently is no cure. The disease is one that can easily be misdiagnosed and often is mistaken for other diseases it shares its myriad of symptoms with. IBS is often accompanied with several other painful or dehibilitating medical conditions, which can also make its diagnosis a more difficult task. IBS symptoms can be treated in a number of ways and although IBS and IBS symptoms can be painful and inconvenient the disease is not thought to be deadly.
A sufferer can help IBS by limiting intake of certain foods and beverages, such as caffeine, alcohol, and milk products. Some sufferers are more sensitive to certain foods than others. Recognizing what foods trigger symptoms is an important part of awareness and the first step to recovery.
IBS sufferers turn to laxatives or other over-the-counter medicines in hopes that the condition is temporary. But IBS is a chronic condition. Improper or excessive use of laxatives can cause further problems for those with IBS, sometimes causing the condition to change from constipation to diarrhea.
If you eat large meals or certain types of food this too may be a cause. Some medications that people take cause Irritable Bowel Syndrome and alcohol and beverages with caffeine. The hormonal changes in women during their period are another cause. Some researchers have found that Irritable Bowel Syndrome is caused by bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.
Below are a summary of some of the ingredients Bavolex contains. Lemon Balms is a herb from the mint family. It is often taken after a meal to relive gas and indigestion. The German Commission E knows lemon balm is useful for treatment of sleep disorders and stomach upsets. 5-HPT is an animo acid that is extracted from seeds. It is extrated from the African plant Griffonia Simplicifolia. The body converts this to serotin a substance that regulates the speed food travels through intestines and regulates moods.
IBS help comes from Balvolex in the form of a reduction or elimination of diarrhea, cramping, constipation, anxiety reduction, and calming the extra strong spasms in the intestines.
by: Danovan Holanda
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