Treatment For Gum Disease With A Laser Rather Than A Scalpel

Share: Dentistry has been phenomenally transformed with the advent of laser aided treatments
such as the Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP) and the likes.Until a few years ago laser treatment for gun diseases were not widely endorsed by periodontists. With advancement in technology and developments in laser treatment procedures as well,today most dentists and specialists in treating periodontal or gum diseases have opted out of using the old scalpel and conventional treatment procedures.
If you have been suffering from gum disease and are looking for a Long Island periodontist then you must check out if the treatment offered is laser assisted or would you have to settle for the scalpel.Here are a few reasons why you must opt for laser treatment while looking for a periodontist on Long Island.
1.Laser assisted treatment for gum disease is a relatively convenient exercise. A Long Island periodontist has the luxury to use live 3D images on a computer to assess and diagnose the intensity of a specific case of gum disease and chalk out the exact laser assisted treatment that would be ideal for the patient.Mild gum disease and an intense infection require different types of laser treatments.
2.Pain associated with a laser treatment is comparatively negligible when we weigh in the old methods using scalpel.Scalpel has a disadvantage of getting harsh on the cavities,and even post treatment pain is significant with conventional methods.With laser treatment, the pain aspect is almost ruled out.

Share: 3.Bleeding is associated with scalpel treatments and depending on the intensity of the infection,there can be profuse bleeding with scalpel methods. The LANAP that would be used by a Long Island periodontist does not lead to bleeding at any stage of the treatment.
4.Downtime is another aspect that everyone has to look into. Gum diseases mostly effect men in their 30s and 40s and one cannot sit back home for a few days post treatment to allow time for recovery.With laser treatment the downtime is virtually done away with. Scalpel aided treatment procedures would always have downtimes and would need sufficient time for recovery.
5.Laser assisted gum diseases are no longer as expensive as they were earlier or as is popularly believed.There are cost effective laser treatments.You can consult a periodontist on Long Island to know exact charges.
Laser assisted treatments are undergoing massive developments and when you select a Long Island periodontist,you must ensure that the facility has all the state of the art equipments.
For years many people would delay the important treatment of controlling gum disease due to fear of pain. Laser gum treatment has changes all that. This painless procedure is FDA approved and highly effective for controlling gum disease on Long Island. Dr. David Scharf was the first periodontist on Long Island trained and certified to perform the laser new attachment procedure. You can reach Dr. Scharf at 631-661-6633 in his Babylon NY office.
by: David R. Scharf
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