Treating ADHD In Children – Costs, Problems And Safer Alternatives
Treating ADHD In Children Costs, Problems And Safer Alternatives
Did you know that treating ADHD in children can be three times as much as medical treatment for a normal child ? The costs of the actual medications can be quite high too especially if they are the newer extended release type, rather than the cheaper generic ones such as alternatives to Ritalin and Vyvanse.
The costs of generic medications can be as low as $25 a month for the average family with one ADHD child while the newer medications such as Adderall XR are going to cost about $150 a month. Now we know why they cost $15 a tablet on the black market when students so desperately want them as a study aid.
This leads us on to discuss some of the problems of treating ADHD in children. As I mentioned, children are often approached to sell their meds. Other children and teenagers fake symptoms so that they can get a prescription for Adderall and other meds which they can then sell on! Share:
The other problems associated with treating ADHD in children using conventional medications are legion. There may be problems with side effects in up to 30% of the children on them. There are also problems with the long term effects. There are risks of addiction too. Nobody seems to be quite sure what these could be.
Other problems arise when the long term use of these meds seems to have less and less effect and then the child is suddenly left without any crutch. There are not so convincing studies which show that medication does work. As a parent you could read these and see if it really is worth the risk.
As regards safer alternatives which would really be a good investment in the long run, we should look carefully at homeopathic remedies as a really effective way of treating ADHD.
Never mind the critics who are not objective. Why don't they listen to world renowned experts such as Luc Montagnier, the great immunologist, who says we should be much more open minded about the possibilities of homeopathy as an effective treatment for some ailments. He says that it is high time we stopped demonizing this branch of alternative medicine and he is quite right.
As we have seen, there are costs and problems in treating ADHD in children by conventional means. Isn't it time we gave homeopathy a fair and objective trial and stopped sneering at it? If you would like to know more, why not check out my website where I have explained what this involves.