Transferring Wealth Through Health Insurance For Seniors

Share: We all want to leave something to our families when we pass on
, and the perfect vehicle for that might just be life insurance for seniors. Many of us may not know the best way to do that. Our spouse needs the house and the money we will have left to cover their bills, so we cannot leave the estate to them. There is not enough in savings, and we most definitely do not want to go back to work. What vessel can we use to transfer our wealth, our work we have built all through the years, to the rest of our family without cutting into savings?
The answer is life insurance for seniors. With life insurance, you can buy a policy as big or large as you can, and divide it however you like between your family. That means that you can give some to your spouse to help supplement the money they already have coming in, and you can give some to your children for them to do with as they see fit. They can use it to start their own business, buy a new house or even send a grandchild to college (or themselves back to school). Life insurance policies make an excellent way to transfer wealth from one generation to the next.

Share: Life insurance policies can be worth much more than you actually pay, depending on how the company works. Many of them invest the premiums you pay in stock or other interest bearing financial accounts. Of course they take a cut of the earnings for themselves, but your money grows the longer it is in there as well. This means that you may pay $10,000 over the life of the policy before you pass away, but it could pay back many thousands of dollars more than that. Life insurance policies worth $50,000 or even $1 million are not uncommon. You can then divide the benefit however you like amongst your surviving loved ones, providing them with exactly what they need to make a major improvement in their lives.
By leveraging the power of life insurance for seniors, you are guaranteeing your surviving family members a part of your legacy. The best part is that you are doing it without even touching any of your savings or retirement accounts which your spouse may need to use to help pay their bills with you gone. We all wish that we could have told our loved ones we love them one more time before they pass away. Life insurance for seniors is an excellent way to tell your family you love them one last time, from beyond the grave. It will make your passing easier for them to cope with, knowing that you were thinking of them up to the end.
by: Katherine Smith
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