Top Mlm Companies- Is It True?

Share: Imagine that you are going to apply for a new job at five different places
. You find out that all five places want you to work for them. What are you going to do? Well the first question you are going to ask yourself is which pays more for your efforts. It is no different in Network Marketing. So what are the top MLM companies?
It is important to most Network Marketers to become a part of a great opportunity that has a lot to offer its customers and distributors. But there are hundreds of MLM companies out there. Which is the best?
Before I reveal the top MLM companies, list I am going to tell you a little story about a Network Marketer that is making hundreds of thousands of dollars in this industry.
This story begins with a MLM company that you more than likely have heard of before since it has been in business for 50 years and still going! This network marketer had family in Amway and was very close to his whole Amway team.
Obviously since Amway has been in business so long, it is apparent that Amway has had a roll in several Network Marketers success. Several success stories have even been in the millions of dollars per year. It is also apparent that Amway's founders are leaders are of the best. It takes a lot of dedication and work to keep a business running for more than 50 years.
After a couple of years in Amway this Network Marketer found himself not achieving the same results like so many have with this company.
After a couple of years of hard work, he found his entire team underneath 40 people.
Even though this struggling Network Marketer has deep friend and family ties with Amway, he decides to leave to seek for a better opportunity.
He finds the opportunity that seems to be everything that he is looking for. Packed-full of a new sense of determination, he did everything in his power to try to sponsor as many people as he could into his new business.
The first pay check came in...
He ended up making three thousand dollars in his very two weeks! It is all because of the new opportunity right..?
Wrong. He only made that money because he recruited everyone from his old Amway team.
After several more months of unimpressive results, the confused Network Marketer went to even another opportunity.
The exact same thing happened. Even though he moved from this opportunity to that opportunity, it did not help him succeed his dreams. These companies were of the best too. They were not little MLM companies that have just emerged. They were the real deal that gave the opportuinty for its distributors to become successful.
It finally clicked in his head that instead of focusing on which opportunity would make him money, he has to learn how to market it if he wants to achieve his dreams.
You see, yes it is important to be in a top MLM company, but if you do not have the right knowledge to market it, it is nearly impossible to succeed.
Keeping in mind that marketing will be your true key to success, here is the top to MLM Companies that you have requested...
1. Avon- Avon is the world's leading direct seller of beauty products, with more than $6 billion in annual revenues. Avon has almost four million independent sales Representatives.
2. Pampered Chef- The Pampered Chef and its sales force offer multipurpose kitchen tools, easy recipes and simple mealtime preparation techniques.
3. Mary Kay Cosmetics- Since 1963, Mary Kay Cosmetics has provided a business opportunity for millions of women worldwide.
4. Tupperware- Almost as long as Amway, Tupperware has been open for over forty years.
5. Lia Sophia- Lia Sophia is a company that focuses on high quality jewelry, affordable pricing, and a Lifetime Replacement Guarantee.
6. Beachbody- Team Beachbody offers a full line of nutritional supplements and fitness programs on DVD, as well as the Team Beachbody Club, where members can find diet and exercise advice and have access to trainers.
7. MonaVie- The MonaVie company structure is multi-level marketing with a hybrid binary compensation plan. The company's main product is MonaVie Active Juice; a proprietary blend of 19 fruit juices including the Acai berry, noted for its high levels of anti-oxidants and nutrients.
8. Herbalife- Since 1980, Herbalife has been improving personal nutrition through it's trusted Independent Distributors, creating advanced products that deliver enhanced benefits to millions of individuals in 60 countries all over the world.
9. Scentsy- Scentsy was established in 2004, but have grown incredibly fast. They market wickless scented candle bars through mainly home party distributors.
10. Arbonne- Arbonne sells premium quality skin care, color, and nutritional products. Arbonne is a member of the DSA.
by: Curtis Royse
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