Tools For Learning Twitter

Share: While it is relatively easy for any beginner to learn how to use a social networking
website like Twitter, there is currently too much information on the topic leading to confusion amongst beginners. This article will try to lay out the learning options for beginners.
Article directories such as Ezine Articles and Articles Base contain thousands of articles which serve to teach the basics of Twitter and social media in general. If you like reading and want an abundant source of information, then visiting one of these article directories is something you should start doing.
In addition to article directories, there are many people out there who blog about their experiences on social media sites such as Twitter as well as offering to teach beginners different things. Mashable is by far the best social media news site because they provide great tips for using Twitter but more importantly, they keep you up to date with any new developments in the Twitterverse. Mashable is almost always the first to cover any new developments in the world of social media.
Video Tutorials
If you are not a big fan of reading, then articles and blogs would not have appealed to you one bit. On the other hand, video tutorials will be appealing. The beauty of video tutorials is that chunks of information which may take hours to consume can be consumed in a matter of minutes with video. As a result, you can learn much more quickly and transform yourself from a beginner into an expert.
You can start teaching other beginners how to use Twitter once you've reached the expert stage. You may even earn some extra income by doing this. There is an abundance of beginners out there with whom you can teach what you have learnt.
Ultimately, you choose the way you want to learn Twitter. All you have to do is figure out whether you prefer watching or reading and calculate the amount of time you have in order to make the right choice for you.
by: Martin Sejas
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