Tips For You the Wives Who want to quickly get Pregnant

Share: Tips For You the Wives Who want to quickly get Pregnant
Here are some tips for you the wives who want to quickly get pregnant and have children
your "Making love" Time
One of the most important tips to get pregnant quickly is to plan time to get in touch with your partner.

Share: Sperm can live for max 5 days in the womb. Therefore, to increase the chance of pregnancy, do the relationships 2 days before ovulation / release of the egg.
To find out when ovulation, there are several ways that can be used:
- Calendar system
- Basal body temperature / Basal Body Temperature
- Elasticity of cervical mucus
- And most recently, the fertile strip tester (can be purchased at the pharmacy closest to the name
Stop Smoking and Alcoholic Beverages
Based on recent studies published by the ESHRE conference (Human Reproduction & Embryology) in Barcelona, alcoholic beverages may reduce the level of opportunity for pregnant women as normal as much as 44%, and 28% for female smokers. Even smoking not only affects the fertility rates alone .. but also can increase the risk of pregnancy abnormalities in the fetus candidate later.
Vitamin Drink
To get pregnant quickly, consumption of foods containing vitamins and substances needed for fertility is very important for you and your partner.
Vitamin C, one of them, can improve sperm quality.
Vitamin E can increase the fertility of men and women.
And women who take folic acid pregnant have a better chance than those who do not consume them. Folic acid also plays an important role in the formation of the fetal brain tube later.
Discover the types of vitamins and other nutrients essential for fertility in
Control Your Body Weight
Normal weight or balance having a big hand to increase the chance for pregnancy. Not infrequently we meet most of the couples who have problems with their weight will usually also have problems with her pregnancy.
Excess weight will bring unfavorable impact for your fertility. Try to achieve ideal body weight first.
Check with your Health Conditions
The first thing to do is to conduct a medical examination that includes your own body's health, about your reproductive system, fertility rates and other matters to the experts. Check with this case both husband and wife. This is of capital importance for the occurrence of pregnancy and to be known by the couple, because if there is constraint on the matter, of course needed further care and treatment and not just tips. If after examined and found to condition you and your partner healthy, it might be useful further tips and you can do.
Know Your Fertile Period
Fertile period was marked by a significant increase in luteinizing hormone just before ovulation (release of eggs from the ovary). The increase in LH would push out the egg from the ovary into the fallopian tubes. In the fallopian tubes can occur fertilization by sperm. Times this is called the fertile period, ie when there is an egg cell and is ready to be fertilized. The egg is in the fallopian tube for about 3-4 days but only until the age of 2 days the best time to fertilize, after that death.
The best time for conception
It is important to know when the best time for conception in a woman. The best time for conception or fertilization is when the fertile period or ovulation of a woman.
To note that the mature egg lives only 24 hours, while sperm live 48-72 hours in a female body. Therefore, to have sex before the time of ovulation is better to increase the pregnancy than a day or two days afterwards.
The frequency of sexual intercourse
Frequency or how often to have sex, it all depends on each couple. There are no special numbers to make sure how many times a person must have sex to get pregnant. There are women who become pregnant with just one course but others require a longer time. Most importantly "how often" you had sexual intercourse in the "best time for conception."
Do Lots Moves After Sex ??
There is no evidence to suggest that after a sexual relationship with does not move and stay in a sleeping position with the legs or hips higher after sex will increase fertility. Because the sperm is actually already in the cervix shortly after ejaculation.
But there are experts who still advocate for a moment to give the sperm swim into the cervix and whippy hips with a pillow during sex.
The most important thing is when you clean up, avoid using cleaning fluid shortly after vaginal intercourse, due to vaginal cleaning fluid can be toxic to sperm.
-Create the husbands
The husband should avoid wearing overly tight pants or warm bath, this will decrease the chance of pregnancy because of the emphasis or hot area testes (sperm-forming).
Right Position during sex intercourse
Many fertility experts who argue that the man on top position during intercourse provides the best opportunity for the occurrence of pregnancy. To be effective, she can prop her hips with a pillow so her cervix could accommodate a lot of sperm. Try after ejaculation occurs between pairs, for 10-20 minutes for the woman remained in a lying position. Do not leave earlier than the attitude of this lie because the minute this time of semen will melt, and if the woman got up liquid cement will flow back into the vagina and make the sour atmosphere weakened and dead sperm. It is also an order for a woman's fertility can be better maintained.
Get Relax during sex activity

Share: Activities related to this husband and wife should be done in a relaxed and romantic. When the fertile period arrived and planned to have sex, make preparations enough time. If the completed activities of a work, rest beforehand to give the body a refreshing time. Bathing can be a way for the body become refreshed. Keep the mood and be relaxed, do not be too stressful in sexual intercourse, for example, think about whether the "activities" this time will produce a pregnancy.
Pray To The Almighty
Humans simply can plan and try, while that God would determine everything. Therefore equip your business with a prayer to Him, so blessed as soon as the gift of pregnancy. Prayer is so powerful, capable of realizing the impossible becomes possible. So, pray!
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2024-12-4 16:13
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