Three Great Ways to Keep Moving While in a Cubicle Job

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Did you know that remaining seated for more than eight hours a day can greatly increase your chances for heart disease? That remaining seated at your computer for hours on end can cause increasing stiffness, pain, soreness, and ultimately lead to weight gain, health problems, disease and shortened life span? It may sound exaggerated, but it's true, and that's why it's essential to be sure to get up and move around while at work. Here are three great ways to ensure that you do just that, with their only requirement being that you remember to perform them each day!
The first and best thing you can do is to get up every fifteen minutes and just do some basic stretches. Remember that your back will suffer the most from being curved all this time, and that your hips and hamstrings will grow sore and compacted as a result. So some of the best stretches you can do are back bends and twists and hamstring stretches. Finally, a good stretch for your hips is to place one ankle over the other knee so that your legs form a figure 4' and to lean forward, developing a wonderful stretch in your hip and buttock. You'll really appreciate this one once you are in the habit of doing it regularly!
Once you are stretching out regularly, another great thing to do is once every hour or so to get up and walk around. Ideally if possible you should go up and down a few flights of stairs to move the big muscles in your legs, but even if you just stroll down to the kitchen area that's fine. The idea is to simply get up and move, to walk around and get the blood flowing.
Finally, if you are feeling adventurous and don't mind being a little more active, you can do some basic calisthenics. This can be anything from twelve air squats where you lower yourself into a crouch and then stand again to push-ups or chair dips to exercise your arms and shoulders.
The most important idea here is to simply move frequently and to stretch and get your heart pumping. Don't forget!
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