Things To Remember While Choosing A Baby Name

Share: Choosing a name for your baby is one of the most difficult tasks to undertake
. There are just so many considerations to bear in mind including ethnicity, the child's personality, religion, pronunciation, and even the parent's wishes. Ancient cultures used to solve the problem of how and what to name a person by simply consulting the stars. This basically means using astrology and its connection to a religion to form some kind of logical connect with the name that a child is given. Of course, this sometimes resulted in names that would have seemed like quite a title in that culture but seemed quite inappropriate later on in life. This method is still followed in many societies and sometimes results in quite amusing names in the global context.
Some of the references points that you can take are from your own life or from those close to you. Authors, actors, sportsmen, and other noted figures are a figure in this respect. We would have all had our idols and objects of affection in our lifetime and our children can sometimes have certain attributes that would reflect the acts and personalities of these people; therefore, naming your child then after these people becomes a natural progression.
There are some points that you need to remember like the reference to the present context. For example, as you would have noticed, many names are hardly in use any more and naming your child Bernard after your favorite Irish playwright would probably just cause some jeers for the child in school or college. When it comes to choosing a female name, the same principles do apply. The best way to embark upon the endeavor is to first choose a letter that you would like your child's name to start with. After that, depending on the culture that you hail from, look up a list of names on the internet and try and find a few that merge seamlessly with the child's surname. The next task is to understand the etymology of the name and what it means. Every name would have some kind of a root or history behind it and it is always a good idea to use this rather than a name that is some kind of a modern twist of something more meaningful. Also, try and keep the social context in mind. This means that you may want to avoid naming your child Adolf, Lenin, Stalin. Make sure that the name you choose is not shared by any other well known infamous individual
by: Kevin Pederson
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