The Reason For Puffy Skin After The Holidays

Share: We all know how the holiday parties take a toll on our psyches
, bodies and skin! They can be indeed draining but in spite of that very much fun. Your skin of course sees the evidence of it right away. Food with too much salt, extra caffeine to keep you going and those spiked eggnogs you knocked back can add up to puffy skin.
Luckily, there is a facial that is known for reducing the appearance of swollen faces after much holiday cheer and that is the microcurrent facial.
Top spas in NYC like Joanna Vargas Salon, Skin Care Sanctuary offer this noninvasive spa treatment to all of their clients when they want to look refreshed and younger looking.
This is also Hollywood A listers beauty secret for red carpet events and their best antiwrinkles strategy for younger looking skin.

Share: What facials reduce puffy skin?
In the right professional hands, spa facials help to draw out the excess fluids that cause skin to look swollen and, let's face it, unattractive. Alcoholic beverages surely put us on the inebriated path to this chubby-faced look. So if you had one too many' this holiday season then a facial that enhances lymphatic drainage is your best bet to restore a toned taut complexion.
The Triple Crown Facial is a popular treatment that reliably eliminates puffiness while building collagen for younger looking skin. According to celebrity facialist Joanna Vargas, This three step facial speeds up collagen and elastin production, two vital proteins needed for your skin to remain youthful and glowing. It is both preventative and restorative for a complete ageless look.'
The lifting microcurrent facial gives muscles in the face an optimal workout to drain away puffy skin for a taut appearance. By topically applying safe levels of mild electrical currents, it enhances elasticity and firmness while eliminating fine lines and wrinkles. The benefits are cumulative and visibly dramatic no matter what skin type you have.
What skincare products eliminate puffiness?
Face care that contains natural anti-inflammatories helps to soothe swollen dermal tissue so the svelte facial contours that garner envy are resurrected. Applying serum is a crucial step in all skincare routines because it delivers concentrated nutrients that calm and nourish the skin. An important ingredient in skincare is green tea as it helps to detoxify your skin and restore a brightness to your complexion.
Ms. Vargas serves a balance dose of hyaluronic acid in her Daily Serum to attract abundant moisture to dermal tissue that is essential for rehydration and reducing puffy skin. A quality serum fortified with powerful antioxidants to protect your skin against environmental contaminants like pollution and free radicals.
This natural skincare product also contain Vitamin F which is a natural anti-inflammatory that is generally found in leafy greens. Oat grass juice will also be found in this product, rich in potassium, magnesium and zinc, all promote a healthy lymphatic system. So by the end of your de-puffing regime your face has such a vibrant glow, no one will suspect how hard you partied over the holidays.
by: Odell Whitefield
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