The Process Of Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Share: Industrial Wastewater is any fluid stream discharge from and industrial facility
. There are many industrial sectors that produce wastewater including food & beverage, pharmaceutical, mining, pulp and paper, power, automobile, general manufacturing and chemicals.
The current demand for treated water outstrips the limited water resource and therefore water, which is an essential part of many industrial processes, comes at a premium.
In order to solve the water shortage problem, technology has been developed to treat this Industrial Wastewater to make it reusable. Industrial Wastewater Treatments is used for this purpose.
Industrial Wastewater Treatment involves various processes that aim at treating the wastewater so it becomes safe for reuse. The Industrial Wastewater may contain suspended and dissolved (mineral and organic) solids, excessive quantities of acid and alkaline, color, organic or toxic material, and inert or even pathogenic bacteria. So it is very important to treat such water before discharging it into the environment.
Industrial wastewater is either discharged to the sewer where it is treated by the water companies or companies will build their own on-site effluent treatment plants which is becoming more popular because the treatment technology means that water can be recycled and reused and can even generate energy from waste. Every cubic meter of water recycled or reused means a cubic meter less of water to buy and a cubic meter less of wastewater discharge to pay for.

Share: Waste Water Treatment Plants helps clean the water used by the industries so that it can be reused for other purposes or can be discharged back into the environment without causing any damage to the ecosystem. Depending on the type of wastewater, the level of treatment required (discharge, reuse, or energy production) and the quantity of the wastewater (flow rate) dictates the type of treatment required: physical, chemical or biological. Sometimes a combination of treatment is required. Below is an example of a typical treatment process for an industrial plant.
There are basically three steps that a Wastewater plant follow to treat the industrial wastewater. These are explained below:
? The first step or the primary step involves the passing of wastewater through one or more screens or in simpler words we can call it filter. The filter filters out the larger solids before it is sent to the secondary treatment facility. The water that remains kept in a holding tank where solid waste settles at the bottom and oil and grease rise to the top. The solids are pumped out and the oil and grease are skimmed off.

Share: ? In the next stage, the wastewater treatment plant takes the waste water into an aeration tank. In this aeration tank the microorganisms feed on the organic matter left in the water. This water is then sent to a clarifier that allows further the settling of any solids left that are left by now.
? The third, final step involves chemical wastewater treatment. This step removes harmful organisms that were left in the second stage. Depending on how one wants to use this treated water, different disinfection methods can be used.
Wastewater Treatment Plants are an essential part facility for our environment. They have shown us a path that leads to sustainable development. With new and improved technology available, there are many companies that have ventured into designing and building effective Wastewater Treatment Plants. It is important to treat wastewater and it is every industrial companys responsibility to minimize their impact on the environment by treating water and wastewater as the vital resource that it is.
by: Veolia
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