The Importance Of Using Keywords In Your Content

Share: If you want to be found on the internet, you must give attention to using keywords
. Its as simple as that. When you take the time to research relevant keywords, and place them correctly in your content, you are creating hooks by which people can grab what you have to offer. Without them, your information will likely be lost in the ocean of words and numbers that is the Net.
What are Keywords?
The word has been tossed around a lot. Keywords are the words or phrases that people use to search for information in cyberspace. Some words, of course, are not helpful. Words like the, of, and others are too common and are usually excluded from search results. Only the main words are used in the search parameters.
Based on those entered words, search engines return a series of results for the viewer. Usually the results are in the millions but no one is going to look at all of those entries. So, if you are not featured on the first page, you might as well be entry number 999,999.
Use Your Content
The world is being educated now about bots and spiders. These are the programs used by the search engines to index pages from all over the internet. They perform a great service for you and your website. They crawl your articles, headlines, picture tags and unique pages for the words that searchers enter. If they are found, you get ranked for that word.
What is also very important is the number of times the word or phrase appears in your content (keyword density). The crawly things are looking for how many times that word is mentioned to calculate where you stand compared to other content using the same word.
So, a key skill to using keywords effectively is going to be finding those keywords in the first place. This is a skill worth spending time developing.
Without the keywords, it will be next to impossible to reach your target market. Some use the net casting approach and try to appeal to everyone using generic wording in their articles and advertisements. Not only are you unlikely to get ranked very highly, but any traffic you do attract may be completely untargetted and disinterested. Keywords narrow down the field to only the people who are likely to use your product or service.
Keywords are a foundational concept for all online entrepreneurs. The more you understand them, the greater your success will be.
by: Phil Morgan
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