The Expected Time To Get Pregnant After Staying Away From Birth Control - Best Time Of The Month To Get Pregnant

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Today most couples postpone parenthood for some years, until the right time comes. Unfortunately, our body system does not work the way we want it to be. If you think, pregnancy will happen the next month after you stop taking birth control pills, then you are not alone. Nevertheless, that miracle does not happen in nearly all cases. In fact, many couples fail to conceive right after quitting pills. Confused with what is the average time to get pregnant after stopping birth control pills? Scroll down to know more about the expected time to get pregnant after staying away from birth control.
Average Time to Get Pregnant: Explained
For some years, a couple sticks to birth control methods and spends enough effort in preventing unwanted pregnancies. But, when the right time for pregnancy arrives, then again a woman struggles hard to become pregnant. This story is quite familiar with couples, who were on some kind of birth control methods for a long time. If such is the case with you and your partner, the following information on average time to get pregnant will interest you.

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The most fertile time of the month can be calculated with the help of ovulation cycle or menstrual cycle. By ovulation, we mean the release of fertile, mature eggs from the ovaries. This process occurs when a woman is in the halfway of her monthly menstrual cycle. In simple words, women are most fertile and easiest time to get pregnant is during the period, 10-16 days prior to the upcoming month's menstruation.
Average Time to Get Pregnant Without Birth Control
Provided that a woman is young (below 30 years old) and the couple has not used any contraceptives, pregnancy can happen within one month of trying. In some cases, it may take even one year of having sexual relationships. In majority of the couples, the average time required to conceive a baby naturally is six months. But, the expected time may be longer for women, who are above 35 years old. If such is the case, the couple should attempt for pregnancy for one year, before consulting a doctor.
Average Time to Get Pregnant After Pill
Birth control pills are taken to avoid secretion of hormones, which are responsible for ovulation to take place. When a woman stops taking birth control pills, it takes a couple of days to expel hormones completely. Following this, the body gets back to its normal process of producing follicles and releasing eggs. While some women take a few weeks to ovulate normally, others may require several months. Accordingly, the average time to get pregnant after birth control pills may be 5-6 months, or it may be a as long as one year.
Average Time to Get Pregnant at 30
As per health experts, women in their mid 20s are most fertile and therefore, the 20s age is considered the best age to get pregnant. Considering that they do not have any reproductive health problems and they engage in regular sexual intercourse, the probability of conception is 20-25 percent per month. As a woman gets older, the chances to get pregnant goes on decreasing. For women between 30-35 years, the conception chance is about 10-15 percent per menstrual cycle. Regarding the average time to get pregnant at this age group, it may take up to 7 months or one year.
Briefly speaking about average time to get pregnant, approximately 90 percent women succeed in conceiving a baby within one year of quitting birth control pills. However, failure do exist in some couples and for them, getting pregnant becomes very difficult. The point is every couple should take the decision for family planning seriously. If you really trying to conceive a baby and want to become a biological mother at a future date, then consider the pros and cons of adopting birth control options. Rather than getting disappointed later, it is best to consult a trusted gynecologist and be prepared with the expected consequences.

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The Expected Time To Get Pregnant After Staying Away From Birth Control - Best Time Of The Month To Get Pregnant Shanghai