The Dangers Of Thinking Too Big And Too Broad by:Jason Tarasi

Share: Planner before him he sits puzzled wiping sweat from his brow
. Fighting off an overwhelming feeling of combined fear, wonder, dread and ambition he slowly flips through the pages as he watches the clock counting the hours left in the day. Twenty-four of them - twenty-four hours a day is all he has. How should he spend them?
Should he finish the website launch that is so close to being completed, or should he work on the e-book that is sure to replenish the dwindling balance in his bank account?
If that site gets indexed by the end of the month, surely the advertising dollars will compensate for the software programmer he hired for product development, but without the money the product launch won't happen. If he wants that e-book finished he'll have to do it himself, no money is left to outsource it. The domain for the content site is about to expire. Should he give it up or renew it?
Distraught, he decides to take the weekend off. Maybe a little leisure time will help him to think clearer.
Internet marketing is so filled with opportunity and it is still evolving, so constantly new possibilities for making money online arise. It is so easy to get caught up in the potential, starting a new project before a previous one is finished, deciding that a new idea is better than an old one
The result is becoming financially strained, motivationally misdirected and physically and mentally worn out, all the while accomplishing nothing.
Each and every project you pursue demands focus and dedication. If you are going to make it happen, you've got to commit the resources, both time and money, and see it through.
As new ideas and opportunities arise take note of them, but don't go off on a tangent trying to bring them to fruition when you've already got all your irons in the fire. Thinking too big and too broad leads to spreading yourself too thin and, ultimately, to failure in e-business.
Think about it for a moment. If you aspired to open a brick and mortar muffler shop in your town, would you even consider buying into a restaurant franchise before the shop was established?
Not likely. Why?
Because opening a muffler shop and a restaurant simultaneously would place too much of a demand on your resources - both your time and your finances. While it may be easier and less expensive to start on online marketing venture, the concentration required is equivalent. So always take that into consideration and your success is sure to unfold before your eyes
About the author
Jason Tarasi publishes the reciprocal links newsletter "Elite Links" Learn HOW thousands of other Elite Links members generate FREE traffic and increase their search engine rankings by swapping links. Grab your free lifetime subscription now at:
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