The Basics Of Keyword Research And Seo

Share: Before you start to optimize your website for the search engines
, you are going to have to do some keyword research first. It is recommended that you find at least one to three different keywords for the content on each of your pages you are going to optimize. When thinking of the keywords you are going to use, get a piece of paper and write down as many keywords and keyword phrases you can think of. You then can use a keyword research tool online to find out which of these keywords and keyword phrases are searched the most. You will not want to waste your time optimizing your site for keywords that nobody is searching for.
One of the tools that many use for their keyword research is the Overture Keyword Research Tool. With this tool, you are able to view how many searches have been made for a keyword in the past month. You will also be able to view different alternatives for the keyword. What makes this tool so popular is the fact that it is free. There is another similar keyword tool called Wordtracker that gives you similar information but you have to pay to use the service.
After you have researched the keywords and phrases that people are searching for, look and see what the competition is for them. The best way to look for the competition is to go to your favorite search engine and type in your keywords or keyword phrases. Once you hit search, look at the number of results that are being returned on your screen. If you are using keyword phrases, try searching the phrases by putting the keyword in quotation marks. This will show you how many results use that exact keyword phrase in them.
Once you have done your keyword research and found the keywords you want to use, you are ready to start creating your content. When writing your content, you will want to keep a keyword density of 3 to 4%. You will also want to include your keywords in your title tag, meta description tag, header tags, body tags, img alt tags and your webpage name.
Keyword research is the core to your search engine optimization process. Without the proper keyword research, you are not going to be able to get high rankings in the search engines for the keywords and phrases you want to.
by: Phillip Stone
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