The Advent of Free Hosting Online

Share: Creating a website nowadays is as easy as doing any other thing
. It used to be that creating a website was a long and tedious process, but with the advent of technology, most of the aspects in building one had relatively become easier. Not to mention that it also got a lot amore affordable than it used to. Before, it used to be that a person or a business would have to pay a lot of hefty fees from web hosting, but not anymore. There are a lot of companies online today who are offering a complete range of services all for free. They offer free domain hosting among many other services to boast of.
So what is free hosting? It is an internet hosting service which allows you to build your website through the World Wide Web. There are companies which can provide you a space on their server for free, though most would charge you a fee. They provide your much needed room and internet connectivity fro their data center for your website to be accessed by other people. Its like your address in the internet so that people can find you. The first thing youll need for your website aside from a web host is a DNS or a free domain hosting.
The Domain Name System is an identification label used to name your website like You cant have a website without a domain name. There are many domains or hostnames, the most popular are commonly referred to as TDLs or Top Level Domains like those that end in .com, .net or .org. There are also second and third level domains below these TDLs which are available for individuals like you and which need to be registered with companies who sell these to the public. It is almost impossible to find companies who offer free domain hosting.
Normally, these companies will only allow you free access to your chosen domain name for a limited time, and which is usually tied to a certain contract obliging you to pay for it after a certain number of months. So when you have your free hosting and free domain hosting, you would also need to look for a company which offers free CPanel hosting, which shouldnt be difficult given that this control panel is commonly obtained free. Simply put, it is a web hosting control panel which makes it a lot easier for you to host your website.
It is a UNIX based graphical interface and automation tool which utilizes a 3 tier structure designed to provide you various functionalities you need on a standard web browser. The next thing youll need for your website is a general purpose scripting language for web development usually found in hypertext preprocessor. Again finding free PHP hosting shouldnt be a problem given that this really is a free software under the PHP license. This is needed for your website to produce dynamic web pages which produces your web document. Whats great about PHP is it also doubles as a graphical application for your given website.
The Advent of Free Hosting Online
By: James Cartelo.
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