Texas Health Insurance – Where to Turn When Looking for Coverage

Share: Texas Health Insurance Where to Turn When Looking for Coverage
Out of the 50 states of America, Texas rates 39 when it comes to health. The lone star states rates high on cancer death, immunization coverage and poor mental health days (16, 17, and 19 respectively). In addition Texas rates 41 in geographical disparity, 42 in primary care physicians, 43 in public health care funding and children in poverty, and 50 for lack of insurance. These statics show that although Texas does have its share of health care related issued, there is plenty of insurance available. In addition to its availability, there are plenty of good things about Texas health insurance that should make you want to purchase.
If you are a healthy individual, obtaining health insurance in Texas is easy. There are many options available to you. Most consumers are familiar with group coverage offered by employers. This is where your employer partially pays your insurance policy. If you get a new job you can buy a short term policy from the point where your previous coverage ends to where your new job's coverage begins. If you are unemployed you can see if you are eligible for COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act). Through COBRA you can extend coverage that your previous employer gave you for up to 18 months after losing your job. You can also purchase an individual plan. Through an individual health insurance plan you can receive benefits not offered through employers.
If you are unhealthy or an individual with a preexisting condition, it will be difficult, but there are healthcare options available to you. Texas Medicare and Medicaid are available to families and children, cash assisted recipients and the elderly and disabled. In addition, Medicare beneficiaries, non citizens, and women qualify for Medicare and Medicaid. Children can be insured through CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program). People under the age of 65 who are and have been Texas residents, United States citizens for 3 years, and who have been rejected by an insurance company for being medically uninsurable or have a preexisting condition, can enter a high risk pool.

Share: According to a survey conducted in 2004 by the University of North Texas, insurers gave Texas a positive review when it came to creating a regulatory environment that is fair, supportive, and effective in supporting an efficient industry. In addition, some Texan health insurance providers offer benefits that are not state mandated, which better serves you. Regardless of your health, the Texas health insurance market has options for you. You'd be crazy not to be a part of it.
Out of the 50 states of America, Texas rates 39 when it comes to health. The lone star states rates high on cancer death, immunization coverage and poor mental health days (16, 17, and 19 respectively). In addition Texas rates 41 in geographical disparity, 42 in primary care physicians, 43 in public health care funding and children in poverty, and 50 for lack of insurance. These statics show that although Texas does have its share of health care related issued, there is plenty of insurance available. In addition to its availability, there are plenty of good things about Texas health insurance that should make you want to purchase.
Share: />If you are a healthy individual, obtaining health insurance in Texas is easy. There are many options available to you. Most consumers are familiar with group coverage offered by employers. This is where your employer partially pays your insurance policy. If you get a new job you can buy a short term policy from the point where your previous coverage ends to where your new job's coverage begins. If you are unemployed you can see if you are eligible for COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act). Through COBRA you can extend coverage that your previous employer gave you for up to 18 months after losing your job. You can also purchase an individual plan. Through an individual health insurance plan you can receive benefits not offered through employers.
If you are unhealthy or an individual with a preexisting condition, it will be difficult, but there are healthcare options available to you. Texas Medicare and Medicaid are available to families and children, cash assisted recipients and the elderly and disabled. In addition, Medicare beneficiaries, non citizens, and women qualify for Medicare and Medicaid. Children can be insured through CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program). People under the age of 65 who are and have been Texas residents, United States citizens for 3 years, and who have been rejected by an insurance company for being medically uninsurable or have a preexisting condition, can enter a high risk pool.
According to a survey conducted in 2004 by the University of North Texas, insurers gave Texas a positive review when it came to creating a regulatory environment that is fair, supportive, and effective in supporting an efficient industry. In addition, some Texan health insurance providers offer benefits that are not state mandated, which better serves you. Regardless of your health, the Texas health insurance market has options for you. You'd be crazy not to be a part of it.
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