Teeth Whitening Is A Low Cost Entrance To A Cosmetic Makeover
Judging on how many popular celebrities are flaunting their million dollar smiles on television
, teeth whitening is nowadays considered to be part of personal dental care. Their followers notice their white brighter smiles and perceive that as the healthy and younger look.
So why is a bright smile so important?
- A white smile can make you look younger as it is seen as exuberance of the youth. Your smile speaks volumes about you. Everybody is born with white teeth.
- Confidence raises with the knowledge of a bright white smile, rather than the lack of enthusiasm about smiling and revealing dark and stained teeth.
- It leaves memorable impressions as it is the first thing that you notice when you meet someone. A bright smile is an indication of well maintained personal care.
- Keeping up with the celebrities is showing that you are following trends and may win you a few points with the opposite sex.
How do you approach the teeth whitening process?
There are several options to safely whiten your smile. Some are fast while others take weeks. Each tooth whitening procedure has it's pros and cons to consider like costs, time to achieve results, longevity, sensitivity and possible damaging side-effects.
The broad teeth whitening options are:
- Tooth whitening procedures in the dental office, from just chemical bleaching, to bleaching using a laser light where your lips, gums and face are covered, only exposing your teeth to a gel and light for 3 fifteen minute sessions.
- Home based options sold over the counter using tooth whitening strips, gels and trays can take up to 7-30 days to accomplish good results.
- Home remedies include the application of a paste of lemon juice and salt or rubbing the inner white part of an orange peel in the discolored areas. Some use the paste of bicarbonate of soda with water or dried and powdered Bay leaves combined with orange peel.
- Whitening toothpaste can take up to 8 weeks, but you will only achieve 1 or 2 shades of color change and users claim that these whitening products didn't really do much in changing the color of their teeth.
All of these remedies will give you excellent results when they are used consistently, but require time and patience.
You must choose your method based on your lifestyle and choices that are important to you. Be sure that it is one that fits your lifestyle and your beliefs.
by: Andre Niemand
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