Teenage Abs Six Pack - Male and Female Workouts for Adolescents

Share: Teenage abs six pack is quite common
Teenage abs six pack is quite common. You might think that teenagers who have toned stomach muscles just have them because they are teenagers and they are in that period of life where every part of their body is where it should be. You might be surprised to find out that the young female and male species who have teenage abs six pack work as hard as adults in achieving that look. No such thing as the joyous period of life in achieving a flat, sexy stomach. So, if you're a teenager, whether male or female, and you want to have sexy abs; here are some workout options you can explore. 1. Stomach crunches - arguably the most effective exercise if one wants to achieve six pack abs, stomach crunches are a "must" part of every adolescent's workout routine if it's the middle they want to focus on how to: lie flat on your back with your knees pointing upward and your feet flat on the floor; lift your shoulders as far as you can without straining your lower back; focus on your stomach, you should feel the muscles contracting while you do this 2. Leg raises - another must for an abdomen workout program, leg raises can strengthen muscles evenly and are relatively safer, injury-wise, compared with other exercises how to: lie flat on your back with your hands under your head or under your butt; as a starting position, raise your shoulders and feet without lifting your lower back from the floor; raise your legs at about 30 degrees then lower them back without touching the floor; remember - don't strain your neck and breathe properly 3. The twist - a bit simpler than the first two but still highly effective, the torso twist's magic lies in proper breathing and in doing it correctly how to: stand straight with your feet apart and your arms in front, elbow at 90 degrees and knuckles meeting together (a variation is holding a barbell or weight bar behind your shoulders); twist to the left as far as you can go, you should feel your stomach muscles contracting; breathe in and out; go back to the starting position by facing front and do the same thing again, this time twisting towards your right side 4. Additional reminders - exercising will not be enough, teenagers should also eat right, with diet comprised mainly of vegetables, fruit and lean meat, and try to do without junk food (which teenagers love); don't smoke, don't drink and get lots of sleep Teenage abs six pack cannot be achieved without doing the work. Whether you are an adolescent or an adult, same rule applies - work hard.
Teenage Abs Six Pack - Male and Female Workouts for Adolescents
By: Dean James
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