Talking To Your Ed Doctor

Share: If you are suffering from a medical condition called ED or erectile dysfunction
, then you should see a ed doctor immediately. Here are few tips to make your doctors visit a comfortable one:
Talking to your ED Doctor
Plan ahead, thats the idea. In your head, know what exactly you are going to tell your ED Doctor. In particular, think about what words you are going to use.
A lot of people feel quite frightened about how to express the problem in words. Some guys are embarrassed because they don't know how to pronounce the terms.

Share: There really is no need to be worried about. To start with, just say: 'Doctor, I think I am suffering from ED.'
Few of the questions you may want to ask your ED Doctor:
* What is the root cause of my ED?
* How long will I take to complete recover from this situation?
* What treatments are available?
* What sort of lifestyle alteration will help my condition?
* Could any pills that I'm taking be causing this problem?
* Do I need tablets?
* What sort of side-effects will the tablets cause?
* Would you be willing to see my partner and explain the situation to her?
What will your ED doctor do?
An ED doctor who is used to dealing with ED will diagnose your condition and put you on a treatment thats best suited to you.
The ED doctor may even ask you very personal questions pertaining erection and sex. You shouldn't be shocked by them. Here are few of the general questions that are often asked by ED Doctor:
The first questions are usually about your erection.
* Can you get an erection at all?
* If so, is it hard enough for penetration?
* If you can successfully penetrate your partner, do you then lose the erection? And can you get it back again?
Post these, the Ed Doctor will ask you other questions pertaining to your lifestyle:
* Are you married?
* How many partners do you have at the moment?
* Do you get morning erections?
* Can you get an erection if you masturbate?
* How much do you smoke?
* How much do you drink?
* Do you use drugs?
It is important to honestly answer all the questions asked by your ED Doctor. On basis of your answers will the
ED Doctor judge the situation and start the treatment.
by: Jasonava Lee
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