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Surviving Esophageal Cancer

A vast majority of the patients with the esophageal cancer may not be eligible for the surgery during the diagnosis or after the diagnosis

. This may be because of the advanced level of cancer or may be because of the existence of the divergent co- morbidities.

The metal stents will be implanted as it has the characteristic to expand itself and also develop swallow of food. Nowadays, instead of using the metal stents for self expansion, the usage of endoscope laser is considered. Although using the stents that are self expandable inside the esophagus of the patients, this may also end up in giving some complications. The main trouble that will be caused by the metal stent is distal movement. The incidence rate for this falls between 10-30% in the patients.

It has been established that it is general by 50% when the endoprostheses are utilized for the treatment of esophagus distal lesions wherein gastro esophageal junction is also involved. The stents will be removed through endoscopy or gastrotomy when it migrates absolutely inside the stomach. On the other hand, when it is moved only partially, the 2nd can be put inside to stop the 1st stent to move further. But the safe and the general technique that may give the maximum advantage are to replace the stent that is completely or partially displaced.

The next problem that is being faced with the esophageal cancer stents is the tumor growth that is due to the mesh of the stent that is not covered. This is the case which is being faced with an approximate 36% of the patients. By inserting an additional stent, the regular problem of dysphagia can be defeated.

The rate of survival of the patients with esophageal cancer and stents may differ from one patient to another. It mainly depends on their life style, food they consume, exercise that is adopted, genes and health. The option they have chosen for the treatment is also one of the causes for the variation in the survival rate.

The other unusual complications that are being faced by the patients with esophageal cancer with the stents are mild bleeding, esophageal puncture, and pain after stent placement and so on. In general the pain that is developed after the stent placement will go off in some days and it is generally found with all the patients. The survival rate, on the whole, of the patients with esophageal cancer and with the stents seems to be very poor with approximate survival rate of 18 weeks only. There will not be any improvement in the quality of the life of the patients.

There are some normal remedies that offers an assured heal for esophageal cancer. With this normal remedies and healthy pattern of diet and a few uncomplicated adjustments in the lifestyle of the patients will make a vast difference to their pains for extending the life for various years.

The success of any therapy or the treatment for the esophageal cancer will depend on the occurrence of side effects, observation on the tumor reaction and the impact of survival and also the amount spent for improvement of the life quality of the patient.

Natural Remedies:

There are certain natural remedies that offer a promising cure for esophageal cancer. Along with the natural remedies and a well-researched different diet pattern, a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle can make a huge difference to your efforts for prolonging the life for several years. You can increase your chances of surviving esophagus cancer now by trying these proven natural remedies discussed in

by: Ian Eallard
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Surviving Esophageal Cancer Shanghai