Successful Drug Addiction Recoveries Part 3: Post-treatment Clinical Conditions
In Successful Drug Addiction Recoveries Part 2
, we talked about how important it is for addicts to form healthy relationships, attend group discussions, and make new friends and acquaintances. In the first installment of this article series, we discussed the important physical components of a successful recovery from drug addiction. These included regular exercise and nutrition plan designed specifically to stave off relapses and new addictions. Now we are going to cover the management of common clinical conditions during and after recovery. The two most important categories of symptoms include Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome and denial.
3. Reducing Symptoms and Avoiding Triggers
Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome
Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, or PAWS, is the leading cause of relapse in recovering drug addicts and alcoholics. It is essential for addicts, their doctors, and their rehab clinicians to recognize and treat the symptoms of PAWS before a relapse occurs.
PAWS typically sets in after addicts complete their five to fourteen-day detoxifications. Detox weans them off of drugs and eliminates their physical dependencies, but their addictions are not cured they never are. Symptoms are highly individual, but some of the most common are:
*Constant worrying
*Lack of energy
*Loss of reasoning abilities
*Inability to perform basic tasks
*Short-term memory loss
*Sleeping problems
*Lack of confidence
*Overreaction or underreaction to stress
*Continued drug cravings
All of these symptoms can cause addicts to turn to self-medication, continuing their cycles of addiction. The chronically negative thoughts and emotions they cause can be too much for some addicts to bear. The best way to manage these frustrating and potentially crippling symptoms is constant and honest self-assessment, individual counseling sessions, peer group discussions, and medications if necessary.
It is also essential that addicts maintain the daily recovery modalities we discussed in the first two installments of this article series. Regular exercise and quality nutrition will make a big difference in reducing the physical symptoms of PAWS, while positive relationships and helpful support networks will mitigate the mental and emotional stresses. And of course, a healthy body and healthy mind compliment one another and make each aspect of recovery more effective this is why a holistic rehabilitation program is so important.
Denial is the reason addictions develop and persist the mental cause of a physiological problem. Addicts in denial convince themselves that their substance abuse problems dont really exist, and that they are still in control of their drug use. They also use denial to ignore the consequences of their drug habits, allowing their families, friendships, and careers fall to shambles. Unfortunately, denial can persist after clinical rehabilitation.
To remain sober, addicts must regularly use self-reflection, individual and group therapies, and in some cases medication. However, addressing denial is not the same as treating PAWS symptoms. These are distinct clinical conditions, and most addicts require separate strategies to mitigate their negative effects on long-term sobriety.
To get more information about how to construct a daily recovery plan, read the final installment in this series. It concerns the important but oft-overlooked spiritual aspects of rehabilitation.
However, if you or someone you know is currently struggling from an addiction, you shouldnt wait. Please follow the links below for a free, no-obligation consultation. Our addiction specialists are standing by day and night to get you started on the path to recovery.
by: Leiaste Ploneck
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Successful Drug Addiction Recoveries Part 3: Post-treatment Clinical Conditions Shanghai