Star Trek Online - thick sci-fi MMORPG

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Star Trek Online - thick sci-fi MMORPG
t could be a bitter end for Star Trek Online.
But the brand is still so strong that it would be commercially imprudent. Not so surprisingly, the game took a strong team of Cryptic Studios, who is particularly successful in the MMORPG City of Heroes. The development was restarted and the game looks to the world.
Star Trek Online begins where they left off nemesis. The year is 2409 and it seems that the old and new conflicts to regain importance and awkwardness. The entire universe is swaying in the foundations. Romulan Empire threatens civil war, the Borg show
very active in the Alpha Quadrant AStar Trek Online talks with even a possible rebirth of their queen. And relations with the Klingons are not optimal for all people.
Quite a good foundation and substance for a lot of exciting adventures. The game should also be loyal startrekovskmu concept. Its essential principles are exploring and discovering new technologies, vivid forms and civilizations.
The universe while still moving forward. When the next player to join, you may encounter with the discovery of a new race, which will remain an integral part of the universe and will need to count on it. Or someone comes up with new technology, you will be able to use.
The behavior of players and their activities will have a major impact on the universe. This is definitely not stale, but still will develop. Both factions - both the Federation and Klingons - constantly looking for new civilizations, Star Trek Online may be the partial victories and defeats to decide how to manage the side to expand his empire on the planet. An important point: the planets brings fresh recruits, raw materials and equipment.
At the beginning, so you can choose between either the Federation or Klingon Empire. Trekkies certainly calling, where are the other major races. Fortunately, the answer is positive.
Though not available immediately to start the game because it would be very difficult to complete the title in the foreseeable future to bring to the market, but after running the universe will be progressively added. Obviously, in the form of toll expansion packs, as neither of Cryptic Studios is no charity.
Difficult decisions will have to make even the choice of profession. Space adventurer can vybratStar Trek Online startrekovskch many specific ways. There is no problem to become a tactical officers, doctor, engineer or scientist.
And no matter what profession you choose, anyway you become captain of your own space craft. Trekkies certainly going to talk about: Janeway, Voyager's captain, was the scientist and Pickard, the captain of the Enterprise, was formerly an archaeologist.
And of course, must not exclude the selection race. You become a man, Vulcan, Gornji, Orion, Klingon, Andorian, etc. Even the creation of their own race should appear. Cryptic Studios has managed in the City of Heroes, that they can create one of the best editors for player characters. The very shape of it will be exciting.
Once everything fits like it should, you can go into space. At the beginning you have a small boat, of course, Star Trek Onlines tiny crew. Before Cheer on large ships will have a lot of hard work.
The completed tasks climb in rank and makes a new ship. The universe can build alliances to fulfill the mission together. The authors also calculated the quests on the surface or aboard ships.
But he should not also be a player vs player combat, so their space ships. It will be a spectacular battle. However, special PvP server, you sought in vain - the fight will take place in specific sectors. Fighting players against players, but not limited to outer space. You can teleport to the planets and alien ships. Either there will perform the tasks of narrative, or zabojujete against living contemporaries.
Star Trek OnlineJde but it peacefully. Aside from a wide range of combat options, whether PvE or PvP, many events, the authors intend to bring players to cooperate.
Who knows Star Wars Galaxies, it certainly will not hire so-called "Points of Interests", a place that you know well of the serial and screenplays. There will be very large quantities and many players will certainly be happy to inspect and carry out a task that linked them.
Cryptic broadly promised that the game tries to incorporate more or less the Trek world. Of course, the more prevalent form, which he calls onlinovka durable.
The authors also plan a comprehensive economic model. Since the federation lifted the money will be very important part of the barter. We are wondering if the Star Trek will be able to feed only the Star Trek Onlineobchodovnm and whether the economic system actually manages a good balance to respond to the demand and supply and not logical holes.
Needless to say, that on paper looks like the Star Trek Online extremely promising. Similar onlinovek is not much. Cryptic Studios will endeavor to meet as Star Trek unloaded players and Orthodox trekkieho, for which games can be a dream come true and never-ending closing Trek saga.
Of course a lot will depend on how the fight will tweak and balance the whole world. But the authors have enough experience to cope with something like that. The question is the release date. Nanaena was the second half of next year, but as we know - MMORPG development is nothing simple, and so we would not be surprised if the game is a little delayed.sto credits
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