SSAT Foolproof Guidelines For You and Your Child to Follow

Share: If your child is gearing up to take the SSAT
, then you know just how stressed-out your child is.
After all, between school, homework, extracurriculars and other responsibilities, adding SSAT practice on top of that load can make your child feel as though they're about to break.
Before you start to panic, let's boil this down to its essentials: the SSAT test is not the be-all end-all of your child's admission into a private or independent school. The admissions team at any school will approach your child's application with a more comprehensive view in mind. They'll look at your child's grades, activities, writing sample and overall abilities before taking the SSAT into consideration. If anything, the Independent School Entrance Exam is just a confirmation of your child's unique abilities and special talents.
But there's no denying that in some cases, the SSAT can provide a tipping point for students who are identical in their abilities and achievements.
And you don't want this test to be the ultimate deciding factor between your child's future at a prestigious private or independent school.
A SSAT Blueprint That Won't Fail Your Child
So if you want to take precautions against the SSAT test being used against your child
Where exactly do you begin?
I'll tell you where: you follow this blueprint that practically guarantees your child's SSAT won't let them down when it really counts!
It's likely that this is your child's first crack at a standardized test. That's why it's so vital to find a SSAT practice test that can gently introduce your child to the world of standardized testing. Lay off the SSAT prep for awhile, and focus on learning the format of the SSAT practice test instead. The more familiar your child becomes with the exam, the less likely they are to become anxious (and in some cases, terrified) about taking it.
SSAT practice should always involve plenty of reading and writing exercises. But don't just hand your child a book and assume that they'll learn the necessary reading skills. Get actively involved by having your child read out loud to you. Once they're done, quiz them on the main points of the reading section.
For advanced standardized testing practice, flashcards can be detrimental. However, when it comes to SSAT practice for the verbal section, flashcards are perfect! Find flashcards that can help your child learn some advanced vocabulary that they'll see on the test. Quiz them during breakfast, after school and just before bedtime to ensure that they'll remember these tough words.
Most importantly, remember that the SSAT test is just that a test. It's not the final word on your child's acceptance into a private or independent school, so don't treat it as such. Doing so will only send your child into a panic and that's a great way to guarantee a lower score!
SSAT Foolproof Guidelines For You and Your Child to Follow
By: Nancy Dees
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