Smartlipo Triplex - Optimal Skin Tightening

Share: Your goal of flat abs and maximum muscle definition is no longer hard to obtain
. With SmartLipo Triplex, you can achieve an athletic, sculpted appearance. The technique combines three laser wavelengths 1440nm, 1064 and 1320 nm to ensure fast fat removal and optimal skin tightening.
Effective for Addressing All Your Body Contouring Concerns
It is effective for treating all your body contouring concerns. The technique focuses on removing excess fat and skin from targeted areas of the body including waist or (love handles), chin, arms, neck, abdomen, hips, inner and outer thighs, ankles, and knees. The 1440 nm and 1064 nm wavelengths combine to provide greater disruption of fatty tissue. The perfect blending of 1064 and 1320 nm wavelengths works to deliver greater disruption of fatty tissue.
The new SmartLipo Triplex goes a step beyond traditional liposuction. As local anesthesia is administered, the earlier problems associated with traditional liposuction are minimized.
Why Choose SmartLipo Triplex
.More effective laser lipolysis
.Proven tissue coagulation resulting in tightening
.High-definition sculpting capabilities
.Reduced treatment time
.Less downtime
.Less bruising and swelling
.Painless procedure
SmartLipo Triplex is equipped with SmartSense with ThermaGuide for providing reliable, controlled energy delivery.
The procedure does not require lengthy stay in plastic surgery centers and hospitals. It is typically performed as an outpatient procedure and requires only tiny incisions. Recovery is quick and you can get back to routine activities soon. Consult an experienced and skilled plastic surgeon to find out if SmartLipo Triplex is right for you.
by: Dr. Christopher T. Chia
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