Selecting An Eye Doctor

Share: Choosing an eye doctor is just as important as choosing your general practitioner!
While you may not believe so, consider the fact that if you dont take care of your eyes and eye sight, your eyes can deteriorate to the point where you lose your eye sight. Sounds serious, right? Well, choosing your eye doctor is important because this is the person who will be safeguarding your sense of sight and helping you maintain good vision for a lifetime. The first step to choosing a good eye doctor is understanding the two types of eye doctors: optometrist and ophthalmologist.
An optometrist earned a degree called a Doctor of Optometry and he or she can examine eyes for any visual health problems. Their degree was obtained through a four-year college degree program and an additional four-years of post-graduate professional training through an optometry school. Your optometrist can also correct any refractive errors in your eye by simply prescribing glasses. While uncommon, some optometrists can provide low vision care, vision therapy, and even does surgery for certain vision diseases. Optometrists are licensed to prescribe medications that can treat some eye problems but not all. Unfortunately, the scope of medical care your optometrist can provide you is limited by state law.
The other type of eye doctor is an ophthalmologist, a medical or osteopathic doctor (M.D. or D.O.) who specializes in all things eye and vision related. They are specially trained to perform eye exams, prescribe medications, perform eye surgery, and diagnose and treat diseases of the eye. When you visit an ophthalmologist, you will likely get a more comprehensive eye exam as well as a detailed prescription for eyeglasses. Given that ophthalmologists attended medical school for four years, completed a one year internship, and then a minimum of three years of training in a hospital-based residency program in ophthalmology, you can trust this type of eye doctor to completely understand all areas of the eye.
Now that you understand the difference between the two doctors, this is a good time to point out that an optician is not a doctor but rather someone who can fit and sell eyeglasses and other eye wear to the general public. They use prescriptions written by either type of eye doctor to fit the eyewear. Not every state requires an optician to go through training or be licensed.
Youre probably wondering which type of doctor you should see and for what problem. You should see your ophthalmologist at least once every two years for a comprehensive eye exam. Additionally, if you have medical insurance, your eye exams are covered by your insurance when done by an ophthalmologist. Your insurance generally does not cover eye exams performed by optometrists unless youve opted for additional, and optional, vision care insurance. The choice for regular exams is a matter of personal preference but if you start noticing that your vision is changing, heading to your ophthalmologist is a wise idea.
If youre opting for a basic eye exam or just need an updated eyeglasses prescription, your optometrist can take care of that for you for a minimal cost. Just be sure to leave the office with your prescription - this way you can choose to
order glasses online or go somewhere else for a better deal. Optometrists rely on your purchase of
prescription glasses or contact lenses to help them earn their income - but dont feel pressured into buying your glasses from your optometrist. When selecting your eye doctor, ask for recommendations from friends and family but, most of all, rely on your eye health to tell you what kind of doctor you need.
by: Hillary Glaser
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